1-619-671-2200 micropak@nushoe.com

Quick Guide: Understanding Micro Pak Stickers

  • What are they? Small, powerful stickers designed to fight mold.
  • How do they work? They activate in humidity to stop mold.
  • Ideal for: Anything packed in boxes, especially shoes.

Micro Pak stickers are a genius solution in the endless battle against mold and mildew. Simple yet effective, these stickers work like a shield, keeping your goods safe and sound, from the factory all the way to the customer. Whether you’re dealing with footwear, clothing, or any box-packed item, Micro Pak stickers can help.

Mold is a sneaky enemy. It doesn’t need much to start a colony – just a bit of moisture. That’s where Micro Pak stickers step in. By controlling moisture, they cut off mold’s lifeline. And because they’re activated by the humidity level, they jump into action exactly when you need them to. No guesswork, no wasted effort.

What makes Micro Pak stickers stand out is their approach. They don’t just absorb moisture; they create an anti-microbial atmosphere inside the packaging. This dual-action makes them a standout choice for keeping goods mold-free. So, if you’re shipping or storing goods, these stickers are like having a silent, reliable guard against mold.

Detailed infographic on how Micro Pak Stickers activate in humidity to neutralize mold spores, illustrating the process from sticker activation to anti-microbial atmosphere creation and the ideal application for box-packed goods. - micro pak stickers infographic infographic-line-3-steps

What are Micro Pak Stickers?

Imagine having a tiny guardian in your box that wakes up the moment things get a bit too damp. That’s essentially what Micro Pak Stickers are. These are not your ordinary stickers; they are designed to fight against mold and create a safer environment for your products, especially when they are packed and ready to travel or sit in storage.

Mold Prevention is crucial in keeping goods in perfect condition. Mold can damage products, making them unsellable and unsafe. Micro Pak Stickers are specifically designed to tackle this problem head-on. They are like having an invisible shield that activates exactly when you need it – preventing mold before it can start to grow.

The secret behind these stickers is their ability to create an anti-microbial atmosphere within the box. Here’s how it works: when the air inside the box reaches a certain level of humidity, the stickers kick into action. They don’t just sit there; they actively release substances that eliminate mold spores. This means your products are protected at the most critical time – when the risk of mold growth is highest.

Humidity Activation is a smart feature of these stickers. They are designed to spring into action only when the relative humidity inside the box reaches a preset level. This ensures that the anti-microbial properties are used efficiently and effectively. It’s like having a smart sensor that knows exactly when to start working to protect your goods from mold.

In summary, Micro Pak Stickers are a powerful tool in the fight against mold. They offer a safe and effective way to prevent mold growth by creating an anti-microbial atmosphere inside the box, activated by humidity. Whether you’re storing or shipping goods, these stickers work silently in the background, ensuring your products stay mold-free and in top-notch condition.

How Do Micro Pak Stickers Work?

Micro Pak stickers are like little guardians for your goods. Let’s break down how they keep your items safe from mold.

Moisture Activation

First off, Micro Pak stickers are smart. They don’t just work all the time, using up their magic for no reason. They wait. When the air gets too humid inside the box (which is when mold loves to grow), these stickers wake up. Humidity is like their alarm clock.

Mold Spore Elimination

Once they’re awake, Micro Pak stickers get to work. They create a special kind of air in the box that mold spores don’t like. It’s not harmful to us or the environment, but for mold spores, it’s like kryptonite. This air stops the mold from growing and even gets rid of spores that are already there.

Extended Protection

These stickers aren’t just a one-and-done deal. They keep working for a long time. Third-party lab tests have shown that Micro Pak stickers can keep doing their job for more than five months. That’s a lot of protection from just one little sticker!

Third-Party Lab Tests

To make sure all of this isn’t just talk, Micro Pak stickers have been put through the wringer in labs. Scientists have checked to see if they really work against mold, and guess what? They do. These tests are important because they prove that Micro Pak stickers can be trusted to protect your goods from mold.

In simple terms, Micro Pak stickers wait for the right moment, then create an environment where mold can’t grow, all while being safe and effective for a long time. It’s like having a superhero in your box that fights mold whenever it tries to sneak in.

Now, let’s move on to see how you can use these stickers and some best practices to keep your goods mold-free.

Applications and Best Practices

When it comes to keeping your goods in tip-top shape, knowing where and how to apply Micro Pak stickers and PE Sheets is key. Let’s dive into some real-world applications and best practices to ensure your products stay mold-free and in pristine condition.

For Polybag Packed Merchandise

If you’re packing goods in polybags, Micro-Pak® PE Sheets are your go-to solution. Why? Because they’re specially designed to prevent mold without risking discoloration of the merchandise. This is especially important for items like garments, bags, and accessories, where appearance is everything.

Did you know? Using Micro-Pak® PE Sheets for items with natural furs or delicate fabrics can help avoid any potential discoloration issues. It’s a simple step that can save a lot of headaches down the line.

Best Placement Practices

Footwear and Box-Packed Items

For items that come in boxes, such as footwear, the Micro Pak stickers shine. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Inside Boxes: Place one or more stickers on the inside of the box base. This is the sweet spot for creating that anti-microbial atmosphere that keeps mold at bay.

  • Using the Dispenser Box: Micro-Pak® Stickers come in a handy dispenser box that makes application a breeze. Open the foil package, take out the roll of stickers, and place it in the dispenser. Now, you’re all set to tear off a sticker and apply it whenever you’re packing an item.

  • Foil-Sealed Pouches: Each roll of stickers is sealed in a foil pouch to keep them fresh and ready for action. After you’ve opened a pouch, try to use the stickers quickly – ideally within the next day if you’ve got any leftovers.

Pro Tip: The number of stickers you need depends on the size of your box and the level of humidity. Generally, one sticker does the trick, but check the Instructions for Use on the Micro-Pak website for specific guidelines.

Avoiding Discoloration

When using Micro Pak PE Sheets for polybag packed merchandise, lay one or more sheets inside the polybag at the time of final packing. This ensures that your products are protected only when necessary, thanks to the moisture-activated technology of the sheets.

By following these best practices, you’re not just packing your products; you’re wrapping them in a protective shield that guards against mold and moisture. Whether it’s the sleek pair of shoes in a box or the elegant leather handbag in a polybag, Micro-Pak solutions have got you covered.

Now, as we’ve covered the ins and outs of keeping your products safe and sound, let’s move forward to understand how Micro Pak stickers stand up against other moisture solutions in the market.

Comparing Micro Pak Stickers to Other Moisture Solutions

Safety and Compliance

When it comes to keeping your products mold and moisture-free, there’s a whole world of solutions out there. But not all are created equal. Let’s dive into how Micro Pak stickers stack up against common alternatives like silica gel, other desiccants, and chemical sprays.

Silica Gel & Desiccants: You’ve probably found these little packets in everything from shoe boxes to electronics packaging. They’re designed to absorb moisture, and they do a decent job at it. However, they don’t actively combat mold spores. They’re like the goalkeepers stopping the ball from getting too wet but not actually playing the field to prevent mold formation.

Chemical Sprays: These might seem like a quick fix for mold issues, but they come with a bag of problems. They can be unsafe for workers and consumers, potentially harmful to the environment, and might not comply with global safety standards.

Now, let’s focus on Micro Pak stickers. Here’s where they shine:

  • Safety: Unlike chemical sprays that can introduce harmful substances into your products and the environment, Micro Pak stickers are designed with safety in mind. They’re not only effective but also ensure that your products and everyone involved in handling them are safe.

  • EPA Registration: Micro Pak stickers are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This means they’ve passed rigorous testing to ensure they’re safe and effective at preventing mold without harmful side effects.

  • REACH Compliance: For products sold in the European Union, compliance with REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a must. Micro Pak stickers are not only pre-registered but fully comply with REACH, ensuring they meet the EU’s stringent chemical safety standards.

  • BPR & Restricted Substance Policies: Beyond EPA registration and REACH compliance, Micro Pak stickers align with the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) in the EU and adhere to the restricted substance policies of major retailers and brands worldwide. This means they’re safe and acceptable for use in a broad range of products across different markets.

In summary, when you choose Micro Pak stickers, you’re opting for a mold prevention solution that’s safe, compliant with international safety standards, and effective against mold spores. They offer a proactive approach to moisture and mold control, unlike silica gels and desiccants that only absorb moisture, and they avoid the safety and environmental concerns associated with chemical sprays.

Choosing the right moisture solution means considering not just effectiveness but also safety, compliance, and environmental impact. That’s where Micro Pak stickers truly outshine the alternatives, ensuring your products stay mold-free from factory to retail, safely and responsibly.

Let’s explore some frequently asked questions about Micro Pak stickers to clear up any lingering doubts or curiosities you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions about Micro Pak Stickers

When it comes to keeping your products safe and mold-free, Micro Pak stickers are a game-changer. But, how much do you really know about them? Let’s dive into some of the most common questions people have.

How long do Micro Pak Stickers last?

One of the most impressive features of Micro Pak stickers is their longevity. Under the right conditions, these stickers can continue to protect your products for extended periods. The effectiveness of the stickers largely depends on the humidity levels they’re exposed to. In environments with moderate humidity, Micro Pak stickers have been shown to maintain their mold-fighting abilities for more than five months. This means that from the moment your product leaves the factory until it reaches the consumer, it remains safeguarded against mold and mildew.

What is a Columbia Micro Pak?

The term “Columbia Micro Pak” might cause some confusion, as it’s not a product name you’ll find in the Micro Pak lineup. Instead, when people refer to a “Columbia Micro Pak,” they’re likely talking about the general protection Micro Pak stickers provide. These stickers create an anti-microbial atmosphere within the packaging of your products. This special atmosphere is key to preventing mold growth and ensuring your items stay pristine and safe for consumers.

What are Micro Pak Enhanced PE Sheets used for?

Micro Pak Enhanced PE Sheets are designed for a specific purpose: to combat mold and mildew in polybag packed merchandise. Just like the stickers, these sheets are an effective solution against mold, but they’re tailored for items that might be more prone to discoloration issues when in contact with other types of anti-mold products. The Enhanced PE Sheets work by controlling odor-causing bacteria and inhibiting the growth of mold and mildew. This makes them an ideal choice for products that need a little extra care to stay fresh and clean during storage and shipping.

In conclusion, Micro Pak stickers and Enhanced PE Sheets offer a powerful one-two punch against mold and mildew. Whether you’re dealing with box-packed items or polybag merchandise, these products ensure your goods remain in top-notch condition by creating a protective anti-microbial atmosphere. Their extended effectiveness, combined with their ability to control humidity and bacteria, makes them an essential tool in the fight against mold and mildew.


In wrapping up our journey through Micro Pak stickers, it’s crucial to highlight the broader picture — our commitment to sustainability and environmental performance. At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we don’t just focus on combating mold and mildew; we are equally dedicated to ensuring our solutions are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Our participation in the Higgs Index is a testament to our dedication. This comprehensive tool helps us evaluate and improve the sustainability performance of our products, packaging, and manufacturing facilities. Since first using the Higgs Index in 2013, we’ve made regular updates to our scores, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship.

Moreover, our products, including the Micro Pak stickers, have achieved Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Silver level. This rigorous certification process evaluates the environmental impacts of every ingredient in our products and the manufacturing processes used to create them. Achieving this certification wasn’t just a milestone; it’s a reflection of our commitment to continuous improvement and sustainability.

Our journey towards reducing our environmental footprint began in earnest in 2010 when we launched our sustainability initiative. Since then, we’ve worked tirelessly to identify the impacts of our products and develop a comprehensive plan to mitigate these effects. Our efforts have included everything from product design to manufacturing, proving that sustainability is at the core of everything we do.

At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we believe that protecting your goods from mold and mildew shouldn’t come at the expense of the planet. Our approach to mold and mildew prevention is designed to be as kind to the earth as it is effective in protecting your products. This balance of effectiveness and environmental responsibility is what sets us apart and drives us forward.

For those interested in learning more about our products and how they can protect every step of your supply chain while being mindful of the environment, we invite you to explore further. Discover how our anti-microbial and moisture control solutions can make a difference for your goods and the planet.

Learn more about our sustainable solutions here.

Together, we can create a mold and mildew-free world without compromising our commitment to the environment. It’s not just about preventing damage to goods; it’s about ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.