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When you’re shipping or storing goods, moisture is your enemy. In the confined space of a shipping container, humidity can turn into condensation, then into what’s known as container rain. This can damage your products, causing mold, mildew, and rust. But there’s a hero that can protect your goods from these moisture challenges: the shipping container moisture absorber.

In the simplest terms, moisture absorbers keep your goods dry and safe during transit or storage. They come in various forms such as silica gel, calcium chloride, and specialized products like Absorpole and TranSorb. These absorbers work by trapping the moisture in the air, significantly reducing the humidity levels inside the container.

For consumer goods manufacturers or retailers, ensuring your products arrive in optimal condition is paramount. Moisture absorbers are an effective solution to prevent mold, mildew, and subsequent customer dissatisfaction. By incorporating these into your shipping or storage process, you’re taking a crucial step towards product safety and integrity.

Infographic detailing how moisture absorbers work: 1. Absorb moisture from the air, 2. Trap moisture within the desiccant material, preventing it from affecting cargo, 3. Key products: Silica gel absorbs 40% of its weight, Calcium chloride can absorb up to 300% of its weight in moisture, 4. Placement tips: Distribute evenly across container spaces, Ensure direct air contact with desiccants - shipping container moisture absorber infographic step-infographic-4-steps

In the battle against humidity in shipping containers, moisture absorbers stand as the unsung hero. Let’s dive into the various challenges and solutions related to shipping container moisture, and find out how you can keep your cargo safe and dry.

Understanding Moisture in Shipping Containers

When it comes to shipping goods across the globe, one of the biggest challenges isn’t always what you might expect. It’s not the distance, the logistics, nor even the customs regulations. It’s something much simpler, yet profoundly impactful: moisture. Specifically, the condensation, container rain, and humidity that can accumulate inside shipping containers, posing a risk to the cargo within. Let’s break down these concepts and understand how moisture can be effectively absorbed, keeping your goods safe during transit.

Condensation: The Invisible Threat

Imagine a cold soda can on a hot day. The way water droplets form on the outside? That’s condensation, and it happens inside shipping containers too. When warm air meets the cooler surfaces of a container, moisture from the air condenses into water droplets. This isn’t just a bit of water; over time, it can soak into packaging, damage goods, and promote the growth of mold and mildew.

Container Rain: A Storm Inside

This isn’t your typical rainfall, but the effect is similar. Container rain occurs when the condensation built up on the ceiling of a container falls back down onto the cargo. This can happen during changes in temperature, especially when containers move from hot to cold climates or vice versa. The result? Potential water damage that can ruin products, especially those sensitive to moisture.

Humidity: The Silent Cargo Killer

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air, and in the confined space of a shipping container, it can spell trouble. High humidity levels create an environment where moisture can easily condense, leading to container rain and promoting the growth of harmful mold and mildew on your products.

Absorbing: The Key to Dryness

shipping container moisture absorber - shipping container moisture absorber

The good news is, there’s a hero in this story: shipping container moisture absorbers. These desiccants work hard to pull moisture from the air, trapping it and preventing the conditions that lead to condensation, container rain, and humidity-related damage. They come in various forms, like silica gel, calcium chloride, or specially designed products like Absorpole® and TranSorb Moisture Control Packs. These absorbers are not just effective; they’re a necessity for anyone looking to protect their cargo from the damaging effects of moisture.

By understanding these concepts and applying the right moisture-absorbing solutions, you can safeguard your shipments against the risks of condensation, container rain, and high humidity. Whether you’re shipping electronics, textiles, food, or any other moisture-sensitive products, remember: the right shipping container moisture absorber can be the difference between your cargo arriving safe and dry or damaged and damp.

Key Strategies to Keep Containers Dry

When it comes to keeping your shipping containers dry, there are a few key strategies that stand out. Each of these methods tackles the issue of moisture in its own unique way. Let’s dive into the details.


Desiccants are like the superheroes of moisture control. They absorb water from the air, keeping your cargo safe from the harms of humidity. Think of them as little sponges that soak up water vapor. Products like TranSorb Moisture Control Packs and Absorpole® are great examples. They can absorb moisture for up to 45 days, making them perfect for long voyages. And remember, using the right amount of desiccant is crucial. A general rule is about 1 to 1.5 pounds of desiccant per 100 square feet of container space.


Ventilation is another key player. It helps by allowing air to circulate, preventing the buildup of moisture. However, it’s a bit of a balancing act. Too much ventilation can let in moist air, but not enough can trap humid air inside. It’s all about finding that sweet spot.


Insulation works by creating a barrier between the temperature differences inside and outside the container. This helps prevent condensation, which is a major source of moisture. Insulating your container can be a bit of an investment upfront, but it pays off by protecting your cargo from temperature swings.


Air-conditioning units can be used in shipping containers to control the climate inside. By keeping the air cool and dry, these units can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage. They’re especially useful for sensitive items like electronics or pharmaceuticals.


Lastly, Dehumidifiers are fantastic for pulling moisture out of the air. They work by drawing in humid air, removing the moisture, and then releasing dry air back into the container. It’s a straightforward and effective way to keep things dry.

To sum up, keeping your shipping container dry is all about using the right tools and strategies. Desiccants soak up moisture, ventilation allows for air flow, insulation prevents condensation, air-conditioning controls the climate, and dehumidifiers pull moisture from the air. By combining these methods, you can ensure your cargo stays dry and safe, no matter where it’s headed.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the top desiccants for shipping containers, helping you choose the right moisture-absorbing solution for your needs.

Top Desiccants for Shipping Containers

When it comes to keeping your shipping containers dry, choosing the right desiccant is crucial. Let’s talk about the top players in the game: Silica Gel, Calcium Chloride, Absorpole, AbsorGel, and Container Dri II. These desiccants are the unsung heroes in the battle against moisture.

Silica Gel

You’ve probably seen those little packets in your new shoes or electronics labeled “Do Not Eat.” That’s Silica Gel. It’s like a sponge for water vapor. Silica Gel is non-toxic and can absorb up to 40% of its weight in moisture. It’s great for smaller spaces but might not be the heavy lifter you need for a big container.

Calcium Chloride

This is where the heavy lifting comes in. Calcium Chloride can absorb up to several times its own weight in water. It’s like a super sponge. It works wonders in low humidity conditions, making it a top choice for long voyages. Products like Absorpole use Calcium Chloride to keep your cargo dry from start to finish.


Speaking of Absorpole, it’s designed specifically for shipping containers. Easy to use, you just hang it up, and it gets to work, pulling moisture from the air and locking it away. It’s effective at low humidity levels, and with its 2-liter collection capacity, it’s a workhorse for longer trips. Plus, it’s made from recycled materials, which is a win for the environment.


AbsorGel works on the same principle, using Calcium Chloride to combat moisture. It’s available in various formats, like hanging bags, making it versatile for different cargo types. Whether you’re shipping textiles, electronics, or food, AbsorGel has got you covered.

Container Dri II

Last but not least, Container Dri II offers a unique blend of desiccant materials to protect against container rain. It’s designed to absorb up to 100% of its weight in moisture. This makes it incredibly efficient, providing over 50 days of protection. It’s also environmentally safe, and you can dispose of it with regular waste.

Choosing the right desiccant depends on several factors: the size of your container, the type of cargo, and the journey’s duration and conditions. For smaller, less humid conditions, Silica Gel might do the trick. For larger containers and longer voyages, especially in low humidity environments, Calcium Chloride-based products like Absorpole and AbsorGel are more effective. And for overall protection, Container Dri II is a reliable choice.

In the battle against moisture, these desiccants are your best allies. By understanding each one’s strengths, you can ensure your cargo arrives in top condition, free from the damaging effects of moisture.

Next, we’ll explore how much desiccant you actually need to keep your shipping container moisture-free.

How Much Desiccant Do You Need?

When it comes to keeping your shipping container dry, the amount of desiccant you need is not a one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on a few key factors: container size, desiccant type, square footage, and moisture level. Let’s break it down in simple terms to help you make the right decision.

Container Size

First things first, the size of your shipping container plays a big role. A standard 20-foot container has approximately 1,170 square feet of floor space. A 40-foot container, on the other hand, doubles that space. The larger the container, the more desiccant you’ll need.

Desiccant Quantity

A general rule of thumb is to use about 1 to 1.5 pounds of desiccant per 100 square feet of container space. This means for a 20-foot container, you’d need roughly 12 to 18 pounds of desiccant. But, this is just a starting point.

Square Footage

It’s not just the floor space you need to consider but the volume of the container. Higher containers or those with more square footage will require more desiccant to effectively absorb moisture.

Moisture Level

The level of moisture in the air, both inside and outside the container, can significantly impact the amount of desiccant needed. High humidity environments or goods that release moisture will necessitate more desiccant.

For example, if you’re shipping agricultural products from a humid climate, you might need to increase the amount of desiccant beyond the basic guidelines. Similarly, longer voyages or shipments during rainy seasons could require additional moisture protection.

In practice, companies like Micro-Pak Distribution USA recommend using products like the Absorpole® or TranSorb Moisture Control Packs, which are designed to manage moisture effectively in shipping containers. The specific product and quantity should be tailored to your shipment’s unique requirements, considering the factors mentioned above.

To ensure your cargo stays dry and safe, it’s crucial to calculate the right amount of desiccant needed. Overestimating slightly is better than underestimating and risking moisture damage. If in doubt, consulting with desiccant manufacturers or shipping logistics experts can provide guidance based on your specific container and cargo needs.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can ensure your shipping container moisture absorber does its job effectively, protecting your goods from the detrimental effects of moisture.

Next, we’ll delve into how to prevent damage and ensure the safety of your cargo through effective moisture control strategies.

Preventing Damage and Ensuring Cargo Safety

In the journey of a shipping container, moisture is an uninvited guest that can cause mold, mildew, rust, and corrosion. These issues not only damage the goods but can also lead to significant financial losses. However, with the right strategies and products like Cargo DryPak and High Absorbent Desiccant, you can safeguard your cargo effectively.

Mold Prevention and Mildew Avoidance

Mold and mildew thrive in moist environments. Once they set in, they can degrade the quality of a wide range of goods, from agricultural commodities to textiles. The key to prevention is maintaining a dry atmosphere within the container. Cargo DryPak is a hero in this scenario. It absorbs up to 100% of its weight in moisture, providing over 50 days of protection. This makes it an ideal solution for long journeys across the seas.

Rust and Corrosion

Metals are particularly vulnerable to moisture. Rust and corrosion can compromise the structural integrity of your goods, leading to potential safety hazards. The High Absorbent Desiccant plays a crucial role here. Designed for the harsh conditions of ocean transport, it inhibits the formation of rust and corrosion effectively, ensuring your metal products arrive in pristine condition.

Cargo DryPak: A Closer Look

Available in 500 gram Tyvek bags and 1500 gram Sewn Cloth bags, Cargo DryPak is versatile and user-friendly. The Tyvek bags are perfect for smaller spaces, while the cloth bags, with their tie strings, can be easily hung inside containers, making them ideal for larger cargo spaces. Its environmentally safe composition means it can be disposed of as normal waste, adding to its appeal.

High Absorbent Desiccant: The Shield Against Moisture

Designed to tackle elevated humidity levels, this desiccant is a powerhouse in moisture absorption. It’s particularly effective in ocean container shipments, where the risk of “container rain” is high. Like Cargo DryPak, it’s environmentally safe and can be used across a variety of cargo types, from food products to electronics.

The Bottom Line

Preventing mold, mildew, rust, and corrosion is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of your shipped goods. By incorporating Cargo DryPak and High Absorbent Desiccant into your shipping strategy, you can create a hostile environment for moisture, keeping your cargo dry and protected. The right desiccant can be the difference between a successful shipment and a costly disaster.

In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about keeping moisture out of shipping containers, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to protect your cargo effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shipping Container Moisture Absorbers

Shipping container moisture absorbers are like the unsung heroes in logistics and storage, tirelessly working to protect your cargo from the damaging effects of moisture. But how exactly do you employ these heroes effectively? Let’s dive into some of the most frequently asked questions.

How do you keep moisture out of a shipping container?

Pallet Selection: It starts with what’s beneath your cargo. Choosing the right pallets is crucial. Wooden pallets can absorb and retain moisture, which might not be ideal. Consider using plastic pallets that don’t hold moisture and help in keeping the bottom of your cargo dry.

Periodic Airing: Just like airing out a stuffy room, periodically opening your shipping containers can help. This allows the trapped humid air to escape and be replaced with fresh, dry air. However, this method depends on the ambient air being dryer than inside the container.

Desiccant Use: Incorporate desiccants, like silica gel or calcium chloride, inside your shipping container. These substances absorb excess moisture from the air, keeping your cargo safe from mold, mildew, and corrosion. The amount of desiccant you need depends on the size of your container and the length of the journey.

How do you keep a container moisture-free?

Undercover Storage: If possible, store your containers in a covered area. This simple step can protect them from direct exposure to rain and reduce the temperature fluctuations that lead to condensation inside the container.

Dehumidifiers: For sensitive cargo, consider using a portable dehumidifier within the container. These devices can significantly reduce the humidity levels, offering an extra layer of protection against moisture.

Well-Ventilated Areas: When storing containers, position them in well-ventilated areas. Good air circulation around the container can prevent the buildup of hot spots which can lead to condensation inside the container.

How do you damp proof a shipping container?

Desiccants: As mentioned, desiccants are your first line of defense. Products like Absorpole® and TranSorb Moisture Control Packs are designed to absorb moisture effectively throughout the journey, regardless of the external conditions.

Moisture Absorption Methods: Besides desiccants, consider using other moisture absorption methods such as installing absorbent mats or using cargo barriers that prevent moisture from reaching your goods.

Preventing Container Rain: Container rain occurs when warm air inside the container cools and condenses on the ceiling, eventually dripping onto your cargo. You can prevent this by ensuring your cargo isn’t packed too tightly, allowing air to circulate, and by strategically placing desiccants throughout the container.

By addressing these frequently asked questions with practical solutions like pallet selection, periodic airing, the strategic use of desiccants, undercover storage, employing dehumidifiers, ensuring proper ventilation, and other moisture absorption methods, you can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage to your cargo. The goal is to create an environment within your shipping container that’s as inhospitable to moisture as possible, ensuring your goods arrive in the same condition they were sent.


In wrapping up our discussion on the vital role of shipping container moisture absorbers, it’s clear that these tools are indispensable in the fight against moisture, ensuring that goods reach their destination in pristine condition. At the heart of effective moisture prevention is a name synonymous with innovation and reliability: Micro-Pak Distribution USA.

Our journey through understanding the nuances of moisture in shipping containers, exploring various strategies to keep them dry, and identifying the top desiccants has underscored one crucial fact: preventing moisture is not just about protecting cargo—it’s about protecting your peace of mind. With the right approach, products, and partner, you can navigate the challenges of moisture in shipping containers with confidence.

Micro-Pak Distribution USA stands out as a beacon of excellence in this realm. Our products, including the advanced Micro-Pak® container desiccants, are designed with your needs in mind. Manufactured by one of the world’s leading specialty chemical companies, these desiccants offer unparalleled moisture absorption, ensuring that your cargo remains dry, mold-free, and in optimal condition throughout its journey.

shipping container moisture protection - shipping container moisture absorber

Whether you’re shipping electronics that require a dry environment, garments that must arrive free of mildew, or food products that demand freshness, Micro-Pak has a solution tailored to your specific needs. Our commitment to sustainability further ensures that while we’re protecting your products, we’re also mindful of our environmental impact.

Choosing Micro-Pak Distribution USA for your shipping container moisture absorber needs means choosing a partner dedicated to ensuring your cargo’s optimal condition. With our scientifically formulated products and a deep understanding of the challenges you face, we’re here to provide you with effective moisture prevention solutions.

For more information on how we can help keep your cargo dry and protected, visit our Micro-Pak container desiccants page. Let us help you safeguard your profits and reputation by ensuring your goods arrive just as they were intended—perfect.

In conclusion, the journey to a moisture-free shipping container is fraught with challenges, but with the right knowledge, strategies, and products from Micro-Pak Distribution USA, it’s a journey that can be undertaken with confidence. Together, we can ensure that your cargo, and your peace of mind, remain intact.