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When you’re shipping goods, moisture can be a silent enemy. From creating an unwelcome environment that breeds mold and mildew to causing outright damage to your products through container rain and cargo sweat, the risks are real and can be costly. As a consumer goods manufacturer or retailer, ensuring your products arrive in optimal condition is your top priority. The good news? There’s a powerful ally in this fight: shipping container desiccant.

Desiccants are materials designed to pull in and lock away moisture from the air. Think of them as the superhero guardians of your shipping containers, protecting your goods from the damaging effects of humidity. This is key in preventing the formation of mold, mildew, and corrosion – common culprits behind damaged goods and customer dissatisfaction.

But how do desiccants work, and why are they so crucial for your shipments? Let’s dive into desiccants and uncover how they can safeguard your products against the dangers of moisture damage. Whether by sea, rail, or truck, incorporating desiccants into your shipping strategy is a smart move to ensure the quality and integrity of your goods upon arrival.

Infographic explaining the process of how desiccants absorb moisture from the air, indicating types of desiccants suitable for shipping containers, and showing a comparison of effectiveness in preventing moisture damage, container rain, and cargo sweat - shipping container desiccant infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Understanding Desiccants in Shipping

When it comes to protecting your shipped goods from the damaging effects of moisture, understanding the role of desiccants is key. Let’s break down what desiccants are, how they work, and why they’re so important in shipping.

What Are Desiccants?

At its core, a desiccant is a substance that is used to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. It’s like a sponge, but instead of absorbing liquid water, it traps water vapor from the air. This makes desiccants immensely valuable in settings where controlling humidity is crucial—like in shipping containers.

Hygroscopic Material

The magic behind desiccants lies in their hygroscopic properties. A hygroscopic material has the ability to attract and hold water molecules from the surrounding environment. This characteristic is what makes certain substances excellent choices for use as desiccants. They don’t just block moisture; they actively pull it out of the air, reducing the relative humidity inside a container.

Moisture Absorption

The process of moisture absorption by desiccants is not just about removing water vapor. It’s about protecting the goods being shipped from the harmful effects that moisture can bring. Whether it’s container rain, cargo sweat, or extreme dew points, desiccants work tirelessly to maintain a controlled humidity level. This ensures that sensitive items such as agricultural products, textiles, and electronics are not compromised by mold, mildew, corrosion, or other moisture-related damage during transit.

By understanding these key aspects of desiccants, it becomes clear why they are an indispensable tool in the shipping industry. They are not just an add-on or a luxury; they are a necessity for anyone looking to safeguard their goods against the unpredictable elements of long-distance transport.

As we continue to explore shipping container desiccants, keep in mind the importance of choosing the right type and quantity of desiccant for your specific needs. It’s not just about throwing in a few packets; it’s about strategically using these powerful tools to ensure the safety and quality of your shipped goods.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the various types of desiccants available for shipping containers, highlighting their unique properties and applications. Stay tuned to learn more about how to harness the power of desiccants to protect your shipments from the detrimental effects of moisture.

Close-up photo of various types of desiccants, including silica gel packets and calcium chloride bags, with annotations explaining their uses and benefits in preventing moisture damage in shipping containers - shipping container desiccant

How Much Desiccant Do You Need?

When it comes to protecting your shipment from moisture, knowing how much desiccant you need is crucial. It’s not just about tossing in a couple of silica gel packets and calling it a day. The quantity of desiccant required depends on several factors, primarily the size of your shipping container and the nature of the goods being shipped. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Container Size

The size of the container is the first thing you need to consider. A larger container has more air volume, which means more moisture that can condense and cause damage. Here’s a quick guide:

  • 20-foot container: Requires about 8 desiccant strips
  • 40-foot container: Steps up to 16 strips
  • 53-foot container: Needs roughly 18 strips

These are general guidelines to give you a starting point.

Desiccant Quantity

The quantity of desiccant also depends on what you’re shipping. Electronics, textiles, and food products, for example, might need different amounts of moisture protection.

Calculation Examples:

  • Electronics: Highly sensitive, might need more desiccant to protect against any moisture that could damage the components.
  • Textiles: Vulnerable to mildew, requiring a moderate amount of desiccant.
  • Food Products: Depends on the type but generally needs a substantial amount to prevent spoilage.

Here’s a practical example:

If you’re shipping electronics in a 20-foot container, starting with the recommended 8 strips based on container size might be insufficient. Considering the sensitivity of electronics to moisture, you might want to add an extra 2-4 strips to ensure thorough protection.

Real-World Application

Imagine you’re shipping a container full of furniture made of wood, a material prone to warping and mold when exposed to moisture. For a 40-foot container, you start with the base recommendation of 16 strips. Given the vulnerability of wood to moisture damage, adding another 5-10% more desiccant could provide that extra layer of safety, ensuring your cargo arrives in top condition.

Bottom Line:

The exact amount of desiccant you need can vary, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution, especially with sensitive goods. The cost of adding a little more desiccant pales in comparison to the cost of damaged goods. Calculating your desiccant needs doesn’t have to be complex; start with the container size, consider the cargo, and adjust as necessary.

Stay tuned for the next section where we’ll dive into the different types of desiccants available for shipping containers, ensuring you make the best choice for your shipment needs.

Learn more about dry box technology, which is closely related to shipping container desiccant applications.

Types of Desiccants for Shipping Containers

When it comes to protecting your shipment from the damaging effects of moisture, selecting the right type of shipping container desiccant is crucial. Here’s a closer look at the most common types:

  • Silica Gel: This is the desiccant you’ve probably seen in small packets when you buy electronics or shoes. Silica gel is made from silicon dioxide and is excellent at absorbing moisture. It can hold up to 40% of its weight in water and is best for keeping the environment inside packages dry. This helps prevent mold and fungus from growing due to high humidity .

  • Calcium Chloride: This type of desiccant is a salt and is very effective at absorbing moisture from the air. It can absorb up to several times its own weight in water. It’s often used in larger quantities for shipping containers because it can handle significant moisture challenges. However, it can release the absorbed moisture at higher temperatures, so it’s important to consider the conditions your shipment will encounter.

  • Clay: Clay desiccants are natural, environmentally friendly options that are effective at normal temperature and humidity levels. They’re not as aggressive as silica gel or calcium chloride but are suitable for many shipping applications where moderate moisture control is needed.

  • Container Dri® II: Specifically designed for use inside shipping containers, Container Dri® II controls the dew point, preventing condensation and “container rain.” It’s a highly effective solution for protecting products during transit, especially over long distances and through varying climates.

  • IMPAK: IMPAK produces a range of desiccant products, including those designed for shipping container applications. These desiccants are available in various sizes and types, including silica gel and clay, offering flexible solutions for different moisture control needs.

  • ULINE: ULINE offers a variety of desiccant packs, including silica gel and clay options, suitable for shipping containers. They provide an easy-to-understand guide for selecting the right amount and type of desiccant based on container size and the nature of the goods being shipped.

Choosing the Right Desiccant:

Selecting the correct type of desiccant involves considering the sensitivity of your cargo to moisture, the duration of the shipment, and the environmental conditions it will encounter. For instance, silica gel might be perfect for smaller, sensitive items, while calcium chloride could be the go-to for larger containers facing severe moisture challenges.

It’s not just about putting desiccants into the container; it’s about strategically placing them to ensure even moisture absorption throughout the entire shipment.

Stay tuned for our next section, where we’ll discuss how to prevent moisture damage in shipping containers, diving into practical steps like selecting suitable pallets and adding insulation. These strategies, combined with the right desiccant, can protect your shipment from start to finish.

Preventing Moisture Damage in Shipping Containers

Preventing moisture damage in shipping containers is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of your goods during transport. Here, we’ll walk through some effective strategies to keep your shipments dry and secure.

Select Suitable Pallets

First, choose the right pallets. Not all pallets are created equal. Wooden pallets can absorb moisture, which might then transfer to your cargo. Opt for treated or plastic pallets to minimize this risk. They’re more resistant to moisture and can help in keeping your goods dry.

Use a Desiccant

Incorporating a shipping container desiccant is a key step. Desiccants like silica gel, calcium chloride, or specialized products such as Container Dri® II actively absorb moisture from the air. The rule of thumb is to use enough desiccant based on the size of your container and the nature of your goods. More isn’t always better. It’s about finding the right balance to maintain the ideal humidity levels.

Add Insulation

Insulation is your friend. It helps in maintaining a stable temperature inside the container, reducing the chances of condensation forming. Materials such as foam panels or reflective barriers can be used to line the walls, ceiling, and floor of the container. This step is particularly important for sensitive items or when shipping across different climate zones.

Install Ventilation

Proper ventilation allows air to circulate, preventing the buildup of hot, moist air. Passive vents installed in strategic locations can help, but for optimal results, consider active ventilation systems. They can significantly improve air movement, especially for long journeys or sensitive cargoes.

Air Out Periodically

If possible, airing out the container periodically can be beneficial. This is more applicable during stops or before loading the cargo. It helps in exchanging the moist interior air with fresh, drier air from outside. However, this needs to be done carefully, considering the external humidity and weather conditions.

Air-conditioner or Dehumidifier

For the ultimate control over humidity, using an air-conditioner or dehumidifier within the container can be effective. These devices can maintain a set humidity level, ensuring that your goods are stored under optimal conditions. This option is particularly useful for high-value or extremely moisture-sensitive shipments.

In conclusion, protecting your shipment from moisture involves a combination of strategies. From selecting the right pallets and using a suitable shipping container desiccant to adding insulation and ensuring proper ventilation, each step plays a crucial role. For specific high-risk shipments, incorporating an air-conditioner or dehumidifier can offer additional peace of mind. By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage to your goods.

Stay tuned as we delve into real-world applications and benefits of these strategies in our next section.

Real-World Applications and Benefits

In shipping and storage, moisture is a formidable enemy. But, with the right weapon—shipping container desiccant—businesses and individuals can protect their valuable goods from the devastating effects of moisture. Let’s explore how this solution applies to various sectors and the benefits it brings.

Agricultural Products

Agriculture is the backbone of many economies, and ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products during transit is paramount. Shipping container desiccants play a critical role in preserving the freshness and preventing the growth of mold on bulk packaged grains, fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. By maintaining an optimal humidity level, desiccants ensure that agricultural products reach their destination in the best possible condition.


The shipping of furniture, whether it is wooden, metal, or upholstered, requires special attention to moisture control. Moisture can warp wood, rust metals, and promote the growth of mold on fabrics. Using desiccants in containers helps protect these items, ensuring they remain in pristine condition from warehouse to showroom.

Auto Parts

The automotive industry relies heavily on the safe transport of auto parts. These parts, often made of metal, are susceptible to rust and corrosion when exposed to moisture. Implementing desiccants within shipping containers safeguards these components, maintaining their integrity and functionality.

Pet Food

Quality and safety are paramount when it comes to pet food. Moisture can lead to spoilage and the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Desiccants help in keeping pet food dry and safe for consumption, ensuring that our furry friends receive the nutrition they need without the risk.


From clothing to bulk fabric, the textile industry benefits greatly from the use of desiccants. Moisture can cause colors to run, fabrics to mildew, and materials to degrade. By controlling the humidity in shipping containers, desiccants protect the quality and appearance of textile products.

Marine Vessels and RVs

Not limited to cargo, desiccants are also invaluable for protecting the interior of marine vessels and RVs from moisture. They help in preventing the formation of mold and mildew, which can damage surfaces and create unhealthy living conditions.

Benefits Across the Board

Across all these applications, the benefits of using shipping container desiccants are clear:
Protection Against Moisture Damage: They effectively absorb excess moisture, preventing damage to goods.
Preservation of Quality: By maintaining an optimal environment, desiccants ensure that products retain their intended quality and functionality.
Cost-Effectiveness: Reducing the risk of damage means fewer losses and claims, translating into savings.
Ease of Use: Desiccants are simple to use and can be easily incorporated into existing shipping and storage processes.
Environmental Safety: Many desiccants are non-toxic and can be disposed of safely, making them an environmentally responsible choice.

In conclusion, the real-world applications of shipping container desiccants showcase their versatility and effectiveness in combating moisture. Whether it’s safeguarding agricultural products, furniture, auto parts, pet food, textiles, or protecting the interiors of marine vessels and RVs, desiccants offer a reliable solution to moisture-related challenges. By integrating desiccants into shipping and storage strategies, businesses and individuals can enjoy peace of mind, knowing their valuable goods are protected against the ravages of moisture.

Stay tuned as we answer some frequently asked questions about shipping container desiccants in our next section.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shipping Container Desiccants

When it comes to protecting your goods during shipping, understanding how to effectively use shipping container desiccants is crucial. Let’s dive into some of the most common questions.

How long does container desiccant last?

1-3 years is the general lifespan of a shipping container desiccant. However, this can vary based on environmental factors. For example, a desiccant’s lifespan could be shorter in areas with higher humidity levels compared to dryer climates. Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the best estimate.

How do you keep moisture out of shipping containers?

To maintain a dry environment inside shipping containers, consider these steps:

  • Desiccants: Use shipping container desiccants to absorb excess moisture. Products like Container Dri® II are designed specifically for this purpose.
  • Insulation: Adding insulation to your shipping container can help regulate temperature and reduce the likelihood of condensation.
  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation allows air to circulate and helps prevent the buildup of moisture.
  • Dehumidifiers: In certain cases, especially for long-term storage, using a dehumidifier can help maintain optimal humidity levels.

What is a desiccant in shipping?

A desiccant is a hygroscopic material used in shipping to decrease moisture levels. These materials effectively absorb water vapor from the air, preventing moisture from damaging the cargo. Desiccant pouches are commonly placed within shipping containers to protect goods from humidity-related issues such as mold, mildew, and corrosion.

By leveraging shipping container desiccants, you stand a much better chance of delivering goods in pristine condition, irrespective of the journey’s length or the weather conditions encountered along the way.


In wrapping up our journey through shipping container desiccant, it’s clear that the stakes of managing moisture in shipping and storage are high. But, thanks to advancements in moisture control technologies and products, the battle against container rain, cargo sweat, and other moisture-induced issues is one that can be won.

At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we understand the critical importance of keeping your shipments dry and safe. Our range of container desiccants sets the standard for moisture control solutions, offering unparalleled protection against the damaging effects of humidity. Whether you’re shipping agricultural products, furniture, textiles, or any other goods prone to moisture damage, we have the tools and expertise to keep your cargo in top condition.

shipping container - shipping container desiccant

Why Choose Micro-Pak?
Advanced Solutions: Our desiccants are designed to offer superior moisture absorption, ensuring your goods remain dry and undamaged from origin to destination.
Environmental Responsibility: We’re committed to sustainability. Our products are environmentally friendly, ensuring that protecting your shipments doesn’t come at the expense of the planet.
Industry Expertise: With years of experience in the field, we understand the nuances of moisture damage and how to prevent it effectively.

As we’ve explored, the right shipping container desiccant can make all the difference in keeping your products safe from the harmful effects of moisture. From preventing mold and mildew to stopping corrosion before it starts, the benefits of using a high-quality desiccant cannot be overstated.

When it comes to protecting your shipments, prevention is key. By incorporating desiccants into your shipping strategy, you’re not just safeguarding your products; you’re also preserving your reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of shipping container desiccants. At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of moisture control, ensuring your shipments arrive in the same condition they left. Here’s to dry, safe, and successful shipments, every time.

For more information on how we can help protect your products from moisture damage, visit us at Micro-Pak Distribution USA. Let’s work together to keep moisture out and quality in.