1-619-671-2200 micropak@nushoe.com

Quick Answer: Micro-Pak desiccants are advanced moisture control solutions that aggressively remove moisture to protect goods from mold, mildew, and moisture damage during storage and transportation.


When it comes to keeping products safe from the harmful effects of moisture, Micro-Pak desiccants stand out. These aren’t just any moisture protection tools; they’re a game-changer in the battle against dampness, mold, and mildew.

Imagine shipping or storing your goods, confident they’ll arrive or remain in pristine condition. That’s what Micro-Pak offers. Its desiccants, including the highly efficient Micro-Pak Dri Clay™, are potent and long-lasting, absorbing up to 300% of their weight in moisture. This isn’t just a promise; it’s backed by advanced science and a partnership with Clariant, making these products technically and environmentally superior.

For consumer goods manufacturers or retailers fretting over mold and mildew, Micro-Pak desiccants provide a robust shield, ensuring that your products remain safe and customer satisfaction stays high. Let’s dive into a world where moisture is no longer a concern.

Infographic: The Secret to Moisture-Free Products: 1. Advanced Absorption - Micro-Pak desiccants absorb up to 300% of their weight. 2. Long-Lasting Protection - Keeps moisture at bay longer than other solutions. 3. Environmentally Friendly - EcoTain® certified for sustainability. 4. Complete System of Protection - From factory to customer, ensures products stay dry and mold-free. - mirco pak desiccants infographic infographic-line-5-steps

The Science Behind Micro-Pak Desiccants

When it comes to keeping products safe from the damaging effects of moisture, Micro-Pak desiccants are a game-changer. But what makes them so effective? Let’s dive into the science behind these little packets of protection.

Silica Gel vs. Bentonite Clay

At the heart of Micro-Pak desiccants are two key materials: silicon dioxide (more commonly known as silica gel) and bentonite clay. Both materials are champions at absorbing moisture, but they do it in slightly different ways.

  • Silica Gel: This desiccant is essentially silicic acid in a highly porous, granular form. It works by physically adsorbing water molecules onto its vast network of pores. Despite not becoming wet to the touch, silica gel can absorb a significant amount of moisture relative to its weight.

  • Bentonite Clay: This natural clay has a unique ability to absorb water and expand. Bentonite clay’s moisture absorption involves both physical adsorption and a slight chemical reaction, making it highly efficient in trapping moisture.

Both materials are safe, non-toxic, and incredibly effective at maintaining a dry environment. However, bentonite clay is often preferred for its natural, eco-friendly properties and its exceptional capacity to absorb moisture—up to 300% of its own weight in some cases. This makes it a preferred choice for Micro-Pak’s Dri Clay®.

How Desiccants Protect Your Goods

The effectiveness of Micro-Pak desiccants extends beyond just soaking up water. Here’s how they safeguard your products:

  • Anti-microbial: By aggressively removing moisture from the air, these desiccants create an environment that is inhospitable to mold, mildew, and bacteria growth. This is crucial for products susceptible to damage from these microorganisms.

  • Anti-moisture: Micro-Pak desiccants efficiently control the humidity levels within packaging. This is vital for preventing the degradation of various goods, from electronics that could malfunction due to moisture to metal components that might rust or corrode.

  • Humidity Control: Consistent humidity levels are essential for maintaining the quality and longevity of products. Micro-Pak desiccants ensure that goods are not exposed to fluctuating moisture levels, which could otherwise cause damage during storage or transport.

By incorporating Micro-Pak desiccants into their packaging strategy, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage. This not only preserves the quality of their products but also maintains brand reputation by ensuring that goods reach consumers in the best possible condition.

In summary, the science behind Micro-Pak desiccants—leveraging the unique properties of silica gel and bentonite clay—provides a robust solution for moisture control. These desiccants offer a protective barrier against moisture, extending the shelf life and ensuring the quality of a wide range of products.

To learn more about how desiccants work, check out this detailed explanation on the absorption process: How do those little desiccant packets work?.

Continuing to the next section, we will explore the various types of Micro-Pak desiccants available and how they cater to different industry needs.

Types of Micro-Pak Desiccants

Micro-Pak desiccants come in a range of types, each designed to offer specific protection against moisture and mold. Let’s dive into the details of each type.

Micro-Pak® Stickers

These are specially designed for footwear and box-packed items. They work as an anti-microbial agent, preventing mold growth directly on the product. Easy to apply, these stickers are a go-to solution for items that need mold protection without excessive moisture contact.

Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft

Crafted from natural bentonite clay, this product is both biodegradable and boasts superior moisture absorption capabilities. It’s an eco-friendly choice, perfect for a wide range of products from textiles to electronics. The high-grade bentonite clay ensures effective moisture control, safeguarding your goods during storage and transport.

bentonite clay - mirco pak desiccants

Micro-Pak Container Desiccants

These are designed for shipping containers and are known for their long-lasting absorption capacity. They are EcoTain® certified, indicating they meet high sustainability standards. Ideal for long-haul transportation, these container desiccants protect against container rain, a common cause of moisture damage during shipping.

Each of these Micro-Pak desiccants plays a crucial role in providing comprehensive protection against moisture and mold. Whether you’re shipping footwear in boxes, storing electronics, or transporting goods in containers, there’s a Micro-Pak solution tailored to your needs.

By selecting the appropriate desiccant type, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage, ensuring their products arrive in pristine condition. This not only protects the product’s quality but also supports sustainability efforts through the use of biodegradable and eco-certified options.

For those concerned with maintaining the integrity of their products, whether in transit or storage, incorporating Micro-Pak desiccants into packaging strategies offers a reliable solution.

To discover more about the eco-friendly and effective moisture control solutions offered by Micro-Pak, visit their website for a deeper dive into their products .

Continuing on, we’ll delve into how these desiccants are applied across various industries, effectively safeguarding a diverse array of products from the detrimental effects of moisture and mold.

Applications Across Industries

From the devices that power our lives to the clothes on our backs, moisture is an invisible enemy that can cause significant damage. Micro-Pak desiccants offer a shield against these unseen threats, providing essential protection across a wide range of industries. Let’s explore how these solutions keep various goods safe and sound.

Protecting Electronics and Metal Components

In electronics, moisture equals malfunction. The mere presence of humidity can lead to corrosion on metal components, potentially causing device failure. This is where Micro-Pak desiccants come into play. Their ability to aggressively remove moisture from the air ensures that electronic gadgets and their metal parts remain free from corrosion risks. This proactive approach not only safeguards the integrity of electronic components but also extends their functional life, ensuring devices work as intended for longer.

Safeguarding Textiles and Leather Goods

Fashion and function meet in the textiles and leather goods industry, where the appearance and durability of products are paramount. Moisture, however, can be a major adversary. It’s the primary culprit behind mold and mildew, which not only degrade the quality of these items but can also lead to health issues. Micro-Pak desiccants, including the Micro-Pak® Stickers and Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft, are specially designed to tackle this challenge head-on. By maintaining a dry environment, they prevent mold growth, extending the shelf life and maintaining the quality of textiles and leather goods. Whether it’s a pair of high-end leather shoes or a delicate silk dress, Micro-Pak desiccants ensure that these items reach the customer in impeccable condition.

In the food and pharmaceutical sectors, moisture control transcends product preservation—it’s a matter of safety and efficacy. Micro-Pak’s solutions, such as the biodegradable Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft, are FDA approved for food and pharma contact, making them an ideal choice for keeping spices, medications, and supplements free from mold and clumping. This not only preserves the integrity of these products but also ensures they perform as expected, without any compromise to safety or quality .

Across these diverse applications, Micro-Pak desiccants stand out as an essential tool in the battle against moisture. By addressing specific challenges within each industry, they ensure that everything from the latest smartphone to a timeless leather jacket is protected from the damaging effects of humidity. In doing so, they play a pivotal role in maintaining the quality, safety, and longevity of a wide array of products.

Addressing Common Concerns

When it comes to protecting your goods from moisture, safety and environmental impact are just as important as effectiveness. Let’s dive into how Micro-Pak desiccants tackle these concerns head-on.

Safety and Compliance

EPA Registered: It’s crucial for any product you use, especially in logistics and manufacturing, to be safe for both humans and the environment. Micro-Pak desiccants are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ensuring they meet strict safety standards.

REACH Exempt: Compliance with international regulations like REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) in the EU is non-negotiable. Micro-Pak products are not only compliant but exempt, meaning they’re recognized as safe and with limited environmental impact.

DMF Free: Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is a substance known for its anti-mold properties but can be harmful. Micro-Pak’s commitment to safety is evident in their DMF-free products, ensuring no harmful chemicals come into contact with your goods.

Environmental Responsibility

Plastic-free: In a world drowning in plastic waste, Micro-Pak’s decision to go plastic-free is a breath of fresh air. Their packaging options are designed to be kind to the planet, reducing the amount of plastic entering our ecosystems.

Biodegradable Packaging: Not stopping at being plastic-free, Micro-Pak takes it a step further with biodegradable packaging. This means that not only do they avoid contributing to plastic pollution, but their packaging also breaks down naturally, leaving minimal environmental footprint.

Sustainable Mining: The natural bentonite clay used in Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft desiccants comes from sustainable mining practices. This ensures that the extraction process has a lower environmental impact, preserving the planet for future generations.

Micro-Pak’s approach to safety and environmental responsibility is comprehensive. From ensuring their products are free from harmful chemicals to prioritizing biodegradable and plastic-free packaging, they demonstrate a commitment to not just protecting your goods, but also the people and the planet.

In the next section, we’ll explore some frequently asked questions about Micro-Pak desiccants to give you a clearer understanding of how they can benefit your business.

Frequently Asked Questions about Micro-Pak Desiccants

When it comes to protecting your products from the damaging effects of moisture, Micro-Pak desiccants stand out as a reliable solution. Here, we address some of the most common questions about these products to help you understand their uses and benefits.

What is the use of Micro-Pak?

Micro-Pak desiccants are designed to safeguard your goods from moisture-related damage during storage and transportation. These tiny but mighty products absorb excess moisture from the air, preventing the onset of mold, mildew, corrosion, and other moisture-induced damages. Whether you’re dealing with textiles, electronics, leather goods, or even food and pharmaceuticals, Micro-Pak offers a versatile solution to keep your items dry and in pristine condition.

What is Micro-Pak Ltd Dri clay Kraft used for?

Micro-Pak Ltd Dri Clay Kraft is a specific type of desiccant made from 100% natural bentonite clay, which is known for its superior moisture-absorbing properties. Unlike traditional desiccants like silica gel or calcium chloride, Dri Clay Kraft is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and safe for direct contact with food and pharmaceutical products. Its primary use is to offer unparalleled protection against moisture for a wide range of products, including spices, meds, supplements, and more, ensuring they remain dry, mold-free, and clump-free .

What is Skechers Micropak?

While the specific term “Skechers Micropak” might refer to proprietary moisture protection solutions used by the Skechers brand, in a broader sense, it underscores the widespread application of Micro-Pak products in the footwear industry. Micro-Pak® Stickers, for example, are commonly used inside shoe boxes to prevent mold growth on shoes during storage and shipping. These stickers are an essential tool for footwear manufacturers, including brands like Skechers, to ensure that the products reach consumers in top-notch condition, free from moisture damage and odors.

By incorporating Micro-Pak desiccants into their packaging strategy, businesses across various industries can significantly reduce the risk of moisture damage, ensuring their products maintain quality and integrity from the factory floor to the customer’s hands. Whether it’s through the use of Dri Clay Kraft for food and pharmaceuticals or protective stickers for footwear, Micro-Pak offers a tailored solution to meet your moisture control needs.


At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, our mission is clear: we aim to banish moisture and protect your goods with the secret power of Micro-Pak desiccants. Our journey through the various applications and benefits of our products, from the cutting-edge Micro-Pak® Stickers to the natural Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft, underscores our commitment to quality, safety, and environmental responsibility.

We understand that moisture can be a formidable enemy, causing mold, mildew, corrosion, and a host of other issues that can degrade your products and disappoint your customers. That’s where our Micro-Pak desiccants come into play. With innovative technology and sustainable practices, we’re not just offering a product; we’re providing peace of mind. Whether you’re in the business of shipping electronics, safeguarding textiles, or protecting food and pharmaceuticals, we have a solution tailored just for you.

Our products are not only effective but also environmentally friendly. By partnering with Clariant and adhering to EcoTain® standards, we ensure that our desiccants exceed sustainability standards without compromising on performance. This commitment to eco-friendliness is part of our broader dedication to environmental responsibility, including using plastic-free and biodegradable packaging and sourcing from sustainable mines.

Safety and compliance are also at the forefront of our operations. Our products are EPA registered, REACH exempt, and DMF Free, ensuring they meet the highest safety standards for you and your customers.

In conclusion, Micro-Pak Distribution USA stands as your reliable partner in the fight against moisture and mold. Through our comprehensive range of desiccants and our unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability, we help you protect your products every step of the way. Let us help you maintain the integrity and quality of your goods, from the factory floor to your customer’s hands, with the secret power of Micro-Pak desiccants. Together, we can keep your products safe, dry, and free from the damaging effects of moisture.

moisture protection - mirco pak desiccants

The battle against moisture is ongoing, but with Micro-Pak on your side, you’re always one step ahead. Discover more about our innovative solutions and how we can help you by visiting our website. Here’s to a future where moisture damage is a worry of the past, thanks to the secret of Micro-Pak desiccants.