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Quick Key Points about Dri Clay Kraft:

  • Sustainable: Made from natural bentonite clay and packed in biodegradable FSC certified paper.
  • Effective Moisture Control: Absorbs moisture to protect against mold, mildew, and moisture damage.
  • Safe and Efficient: Chemical-free, avoiding leakage or corrosion issues.
  • Broad Application: Suitable for textiles, electronics, foods, and more.

When consumer goods face the constant threat of damage from moisture, mold, and mildew, safeguarding the quality and integrity of products during storage and transit has never been more crucial. Enter Dri Clay Kraft by Micro-Pak, a revolutionary, plastic-free desiccant solution designed to tackle these challenges head-on. Crafted from highly adsorbent, natural bentonite clay and wrapped in environmentally friendly, FSC certified Kraft paper, Dri Clay Kraft sets a new standard in moisture control which is not just effective but also sustains our planet.

Manufacturers and retailers know too well the disappointment and financial loss that comes with goods damaged by moisture. By switching to Dri Clay Kraft, they can defend their products against these damages while promoting sustainability. This introduction to Dri Clay Kraft sketches the outline of an eco-conscious method that doesn’t compromise on efficiency. It’s about pledging allegiance to the planet while keeping your products safe, making Dri Clay Kraft not just a choice but a necessity for those looking to innovate in product preservation.

Infographic detailing how Dri Clay Kraft works, its sustainability benefits, range of applications, and a comparison to traditional desiccants - dri clay kraft infographic pillar-5-steps

The Science Behind Dri Clay Kraft

What Makes Dri Clay Kraft Tick? It’s all about the bentonite clay. This isn’t your average clay. Bentonite is a superstar in moisture adsorption. It’s like a sponge, but for water vapor in the air.

Bentonite Clay: The Moisture Magnet

Bentonite clay has a unique structure that allows it to absorb more moisture than many other materials. Think of it as a tiny, natural vacuum cleaner for water vapor. This is because bentonite clay particles are negatively charged, attracting the positively charged water molecules.

Why It Matters: In simple terms, the more moisture the clay can pull from the air, the dryer your products stay. This isn’t just good for keeping things dry; it’s essential in fighting against mold, mildew, and corrosion.

Moisture Adsorption: How It Works

When Dri Clay Kraft packets are placed in a package, they get to work by pulling moisture from the air. This process, known as adsorption (not to be confused with absorption), traps the moisture on the surface of the clay particles.

  • Adsorption vs. Absorption: Adsorption is when molecules stick to the surface. Absorption is when they are taken inside the material. Bentonite clay uses adsorption, making it easy to trap and hold onto moisture.

The Science Simplified

  1. Bentonite clay in Dri Clay Kraft attracts and traps moisture from the air.
  2. This process keeps the environment inside the packaging drier.
  3. A drier environment means less chance of moisture damage to your products.

Why This Matters

Understanding the science behind Dri Clay Kraft helps us appreciate why it’s such a powerful tool in moisture control. Its ability to outperform other desiccants, like silica gel and calcium chloride, isn’t just a claim; it’s backed by the natural, moisture-wicking power of bentonite clay.

When sustainability and product safety are paramount, the choice of Dri Clay Kraft becomes clear. It’s not just about keeping things dry; it’s about doing so in a way that’s safe for our products and gentle on our planet.

It’s essential to keep in mind the role that effective moisture control plays in preserving the quality and longevity of a wide range of goods. Dri Clay Kraft, powered by the natural science of bentonite clay, stands out as a leader in this crucial task.

The next time you’re considering how to protect your products from moisture, think about the science behind your choice. With Dri Clay Kraft, you’re leveraging the natural power of bentonite clay to ensure your goods stay dry, safe, and preserved, no matter where they’re headed.

In the next section, we’ll explore the various applications of Dri Clay Kraft, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness across different industries. From textiles to electronics, and from food to pharmaceuticals, Dri Clay Kraft offers a sustainable solution to moisture control challenges.

Applications of Dri Clay Kraft

Dri Clay Kraft is not just any ordinary desiccant. It’s a game-changer in moisture control, offering a wide range of applications across various industries. Let’s dive into how this remarkable product is making waves in textiles, electronics, food, pharmaceuticals, and metal components.


Imagine your favorite leather jacket or that gorgeous silk dress. Now, imagine them ruined by mold or moisture damage. Not a pleasant thought, right? Dri Clay Kraft steps in as a hero for the textile industry. By efficiently absorbing moisture, it protects textiles from mold, mildew, and odor. This means your goods stay fresh and in perfect condition, from the factory to your wardrobe.


Electronics and moisture do not mix well. Moisture can lead to corrosion, short-circuiting, and ultimately, device failure. Dri Clay Kraft is used in the packaging of electronic items to keep them dry and functional. It’s especially crucial for sensitive components where even a tiny bit of moisture can cause significant damage.


Food safety is paramount. Excess moisture can lead to spoilage, mold growth, and a decrease in shelf life. Dri Clay Kraft, being FDA approved for food contact, provides an effective solution for keeping food items dry and safe. Whether it’s spices, nuts, or even dog food, Dri Clay Kraft ensures that your food remains fresh and safe to consume.


In the pharmaceutical industry, moisture can compromise the stability and efficacy of medications. Dri Clay Kraft’s ability to control moisture without introducing harmful chemicals makes it an ideal choice for protecting drugs, supplements, and other healthcare products. This ensures that medications remain potent and safe for consumption until their expiry date.

Metal Components

Rust and corrosion are the enemies of metal components. Whether it’s automotive parts, machinery, or electronic components, moisture can cause irreversible damage. Dri Clay Kraft’s superior moisture adsorption properties protect these items from rust and corrosion, ensuring they function as intended.

In summary, Dri Clay Kraft’s versatility and effectiveness make it an indispensable ally across a broad spectrum of industries. Its natural, sustainable, and efficient moisture control capabilities ensure that products, whether they are elegant dresses, life-saving medications, or critical electronic components, stay dry, safe, and preserved. As we move towards more eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions, Dri Clay Kraft stands out as a beacon of innovation in moisture control.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the environmental benefits and superior performance of Dri Clay Kraft compared to traditional desiccants in the following sections.

Comparing Desiccants: Dri Clay Kraft vs. Others

In our journey towards sustainable packaging, it’s crucial to understand how Dri Clay Kraft stacks up against traditional desiccants. Let’s dive into the specifics.

Dri Clay Kraft vs. Silica Gel

Environmental Impact: The production of silica gel involves chemical feedstocks and significant water usage, leading to pollutants and effluents. On the other hand, Dri Clay Kraft is made from 100% natural bentonite clay, requiring no water or chemicals in its production. This process is far more sustainable, making Dri Clay Kraft a clear winner for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint.

Performance: Dri Clay Kraft absorbs moisture better and faster than silica gel in most conditions. This superior performance means better protection against moisture for a wide range of products, from textiles to electronics.

Handling: Silica gel packets often vary in quality and can reach saturation quickly, posing a risk during packaging. Dri Clay Kraft’s consistent and efficient moisture adsorption reduces the risk of premature saturation, making it easier and safer to handle.

Dri Clay Kraft vs. Calcium Chloride

Leakage-Free: A significant downside of calcium chloride is its tendency to liquefy upon absorbing moisture, posing a high risk of leakage and product damage. Dri Clay Kraft remains dry, even at full absorption capacity, ensuring a leakage-free experience.

Corrosion: Calcium chloride is highly corrosive, especially to metals, making it unsuitable for protecting metal components. Dri Clay Kraft, in contrast, is safe for metals and does not pose any corrosion risk, offering peace of mind for manufacturers and consumers alike.

Packaging Efficiency: Dri Clay Kraft’s ability to adsorb moisture consistently across a range of humidity levels makes it more efficient in lowering humidity inside packaging. This efficiency reduces the risk of mold, mildew, and other moisture-related issues more effectively than calcium chloride, especially in environments with fluctuating humidity levels.

The Bottom Line

When comparing Dri Clay Kraft to silica gel and calcium chloride, it’s clear that Dri Clay Kraft offers superior environmental benefits, performance, and handling. Its leakage-free nature, safety for metals, and packaging efficiency further underscore its advantages. For those seeking a sustainable, effective solution for moisture control, Dri Clay Kraft is an unmatched choice.

As we continue to prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions, Dri Clay Kraft emerges as a leader in moisture control, setting a new standard for the industry.

FAQs on Dri Clay Kraft

In the quest for sustainable packaging solutions, Dri Clay Kraft has emerged as a standout option for moisture control. Let’s dive deeper into some of the frequently asked questions about this innovative product.

What is Dri Clay Kraft used for?

Dri Clay Kraft is a versatile desiccant used for moisture protection across a wide range of goods. From textiles and leather goods to electronics, metal components, foods, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, its ability to absorb moisture helps in preventing mold, mildew, rust, corrosion, and device malfunction. This broad applicability makes it an essential component in ensuring product quality and shelf life during storage and shipping.

Is Dri Clay Kraft safe for food and pharmaceuticals?

Yes, Dri Clay Kraft is non-toxic and made from natural bentonite clay, packaged in biodegradable Kraft paper. It is REACH exempt, meaning it complies with the European Union’s strict regulations on chemicals. Its safety profile makes it ideal for use with food and pharmaceuticals, where maintaining product integrity without introducing harmful substances is crucial. This has been affirmed by its FDA approval for food and pharma contact, ensuring that it can be used confidently in applications where safety is paramount.

How does Dri Clay Kraft compare to traditional desiccants?

Dri Clay Kraft outperforms traditional desiccants like silica gel, calcium chloride, and activated charcoal in several key areas:

  • Superior moisture adsorption: It can reduce humidity inside packages faster and to lower levels than its counterparts.
  • Sustainability: Unlike silica gel, which is synthetic and not biodegradable, Dri Clay Kraft is made from a naturally occurring mineral and is packaged in biodegradable paper, making it a more environmentally friendly option.
  • It is chemical-free, posing no risk of leakage or corrosion, which can be a concern with calcium chloride desiccants.
  • Handling and packaging efficiency: Its natural clay composition and paper packaging make it easier and safer for factory workers to handle, reducing the risk of the desiccant reaching saturation before being packed with the product.

In summary, Dri Clay Kraft’s combination of effective moisture control, safety for a broad range of applications, and a strong commitment to sustainability positions it as a superior choice over traditional desiccants. By choosing Dri Clay Kraft, businesses not only protect their products but also contribute to a healthier planet.

It’s clear that Dri Clay Kraft is not just a product but a solution that aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly packaging and product safety. Micro-Pak Distribution USA is proud to lead the charge in this area, offering a product that meets the needs of today’s conscientious businesses and consumers.


At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we’re not just distributors; we’re innovators committed to enhancing the way products are protected during storage and transit. Our journey with Dri Clay Kraft reflects a deep dedication to eco-friendly packaging and product safety, cornerstones that define our mission and drive our operations.

Eco-friendly Packaging: We understand the importance of sustainability in today’s world. That’s why Dri Clay Kraft is a game-changer. Made from natural bentonite clay and packaged in biodegradable FSC certified Kraft paper, it represents a leap towards reducing plastic waste and chemical use in the packaging industry. By choosing Dri Clay Kraft, our customers join us in making a positive impact on the environment, minimizing the carbon footprint one packet at a time.

Product Safety: Your trust is our top priority. Dri Clay Kraft is not only effective in combating moisture but also safe for a wide range of applications, including food and pharmaceuticals. Its non-toxic nature ensures that products remain uncontaminated and safe, aligning with our commitment to deliver solutions that care for the end consumer’s health and well-being.

In conclusion, Dri Clay Kraft by Micro-Pak Distribution USA represents the future of packaging solutions — one where efficiency meets environmental responsibility and product safety. As we continue to innovate and lead with purpose, we invite businesses and consumers alike to join us in this journey towards a more sustainable and safe packaging future.

Discover more about how our solutions can benefit your products by visiting our products page. Together, let’s unlock the potential of Dri Clay Kraft and set new standards for the packaging industry.