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When you’re sending products across the country or across the sea, moisture is one of your biggest enemies. It sneaks into your shipments and can cause mold, mildew, and even damage your goods beyond repair. This is a real headache for anyone in the business of manufacturing or retailing consumer goods. But there’s a hero in this story, and it’s called a desiccant storage container.

Desiccant storage containers are specially designed to absorb moisture, keeping your products dry and safe from the damaging effects of humidity. Whether you’re shipping agricultural products, textiles, electronics, or anything in between, implementing desiccants in your shipment can make a huge difference.

But not all desiccants are created equal. It’s crucial to choose the right type for your specific needs. Options like silica gel and calcium chloride are popular, but it’s also worth considering eco-friendly alternatives like Micro-Pak Dri Clay® Kraft, a plastic-free and biodegradable option that’s just as effective.

In a nutshell, if you’re looking to protect your shipments from moisture damage, desiccant storage containers are your go-to solution. They’re simple, efficient, and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your products.

Infographic detailing the quick impact of desiccant storage containers on moisture levels within shipments, explaining how these containers work by absorbing moisture and the recommended types of desiccants for different shipping needs. - desiccant storage container infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Understanding Desiccants

When it comes to protecting your shipments from the damaging effects of moisture, understanding the role of desiccants is key. Desiccants are materials that absorb moisture from the air, effectively reducing the humidity inside a container. This can prevent a range of issues, from mold growth to corrosion, ensuring your products arrive in top condition.

Desiccant Types

Two of the most common types of desiccants used in shipping and storage are Silica Gel and Calcium Chloride.

  • Silica Gel is a form of silicon dioxide, a naturally occurring mineral. It’s capable of absorbing about 40% of its weight in moisture and is effective in a wide range of temperatures. This versatility makes it a popular choice for protecting electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food products.

  • Calcium Chloride, on the other hand, is a salt compound that can absorb up to 300% of its weight in moisture. It’s particularly effective in extreme conditions and is often used in shipping containers where high moisture levels are a concern.

Both types have their unique advantages, and the choice between them often depends on the specific needs of the shipment, such as the nature of the products being shipped and the expected environmental conditions.

How They Work

Desiccants work by absorbing moisture from the air, which prevents the humidity inside a container from reaching levels that could cause damage to the goods inside. This process is crucial in preventing “container rain,” a phenomenon where condensation forms inside a shipping container and then drips onto the cargo, potentially causing significant damage.

Safety and Compliance

While desiccants are highly effective in moisture control, their use must be carefully managed. For instance, Silica Gel is non-toxic and can safely come into contact with food and pharmaceuticals. However, it should not be ingested. Calcium Chloride, while also non-toxic, can become corrosive if it collects enough water to dissolve, so it must be used in a way that prevents direct contact with the products being protected.

Using desiccants is a straightforward yet powerful way to safeguard your shipments against moisture-related damage. By choosing the right type of desiccant and implementing it effectively, you can ensure that your products remain dry and undamaged, no matter what conditions they encounter during transport.

For more detailed guidance on using desiccants in shipping, including considerations for food safety, click here.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to store and handle desiccants to maximize their effectiveness, including tips on choosing the right desiccant storage container for your needs.

How to Store Desiccants

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of desiccants, proper storage is key. Understanding how to store these moisture-absorbing materials can make a significant difference in their performance. Here, we delve into Airtight Containers, Protective Measures, and Water Vapor Contamination, providing actionable insights on maintaining desiccant efficacy.

Airtight Containers

The cornerstone of desiccant storage is using airtight containers. Why? Because desiccants work by absorbing moisture from their surroundings. If left exposed, they’ll start working prematurely, absorbing ambient moisture from the air, significantly reducing their effectiveness by the time they are actually needed.

Airtight containers ensure that the desiccant’s moisture-absorbing capacity is preserved until it’s placed within the environment it’s meant to protect, such as a shipping box or a storage bin. Even the smallest leak can let in moisture, so inspect your containers regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

Protective Measures

Beyond choosing the right container, there are additional protective measures you can take to ensure your desiccants remain potent:

  • Keep it Cool: Store desiccants in a cool, dry place. High temperatures can affect their chemical structure and absorption capabilities.
  • Check Regularly: Inspect your storage containers periodically for any signs of damage or moisture ingress.
  • Seal Tightly: Make sure the lid or seal of your storage container is secure. A loose lid could be all it takes for moisture to find its way in.

Water Vapor Contamination

Water vapor contamination is a silent desiccant killer. It can seep into storage containers if they’re not properly sealed or if they’re opened frequently in humid environments. This is why it’s crucial to minimize the exposure of desiccants to the air and to only open their storage container when absolutely necessary.

In environments where humidity is unavoidable, consider using desiccant storage containers with silica gel packets that include a moisture indicator. These indicators change color when the desiccant has absorbed moisture, signaling when it’s time for replacement or regeneration.

Proper storage of desiccants not only extends their lifespan but ensures they’re ready to protect your goods from moisture damage whenever needed. By using airtight containers, taking protective measures, and being vigilant about water vapor contamination, you can maintain the efficacy of your desiccants and ensure they do their job effectively.

For more insights on handling and utilizing desiccants to their fullest potential, don’t miss our next section on choosing the right desiccant storage container.

Choosing the Right Desiccant Container

Choosing the right desiccant container is crucial for ensuring your goods remain dry and undamaged during storage or shipment. Let’s break down the essentials you need to consider: Desiccator, Low-humidity environment, and Sealed container.


A desiccator is specifically designed to provide a very low humidity environment. It’s a must-have for sensitive items, especially electronics, that are highly susceptible to moisture damage. The desiccator works by incorporating desiccants that actively absorb moisture from the air inside the container. This is an ideal solution for long-term storage or shipments that take more time.

Low-humidity Environment

Creating a low-humidity environment is the primary goal of using a desiccant storage container. The effectiveness of this environment is determined by the type and amount of desiccant used, as well as the container’s ability to maintain a seal against external humidity. Products like Micro-Pak container desiccants are engineered to aggressively remove moisture from the air, effectively preventing container rain and mold growth, and ensuring your products arrive in top condition .

Sealed Container

The integrity of the container’s seal is paramount. A truly airtight and watertight container ensures that once the internal atmosphere has been dried to the desired level, no external moisture can enter. This is where the quality of the container comes into play. High-quality desiccant storage containers are designed to be sealed effectively and reopened without compromising the low-humidity environment inside.

Choosing the Right Container:

  • Material: Opt for containers made from materials that do not outgas or introduce additional contaminants. High-quality plastics or metals are often preferred.
  • Size: Match the size of the container to your needs. Using too large a container for a small amount of product can make moisture control less efficient.
  • Desiccant Type: Depending on the sensitivity of your products, choose the appropriate desiccant. Silica gel is a common choice, but for ultra-sensitive items, more specialized desiccants may be necessary.

In Conclusion, the right desiccant storage container is a balanced combination of a secure seal, appropriate size, and suitable desiccant material. A well-chosen container can protect your goods from the harmful effects of moisture, ensuring they remain in pristine condition throughout their storage or transit. Not all containers are created equal. Investing in quality now can save you from the costs and headaches of moisture damage later.

Having covered the essentials of choosing the right desiccant container, we will next delve into the storage requirements and lifespan of desiccants, to help you further optimize your moisture control strategy.

Storage Requirements and Lifespan of Desiccants

When it comes to keeping your goods safe from the harmful effects of moisture during shipping, understanding the storage requirements and lifespan of desiccants is vital. Let’s break down what you need to know to make the most of these moisture-fighting tools.

Shelf Life: How Long Do Desiccants Last?

Desiccants, like any other product, have a shelf life. However, the good news is that if stored properly, desiccants such as silica gel and calcium chloride can last up to 4-5 years before they’re activated. Once they’re out of their packaging and in use, their effective lifespan depends largely on environmental conditions but can range from several weeks to months. It’s a common misconception that desiccants work forever; they don’t. They absorb moisture until they’re saturated and then need replacing or recharging.

Climate-Controlled Storage: Keeping Desiccants at Their Best

For desiccants to maintain their effectiveness, climate-controlled storage is key. Desiccants should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent premature activation. Humidity and high temperatures can reduce their lifespan even before they are used. Think of them as sponges; if the air around them is moist, they start absorbing water right away. Therefore, keeping them in an environment where humidity and temperature are controlled ensures they remain potent until they are needed.

Temperature and Humidity Control: Maximizing Efficiency

The efficiency of a desiccant also hinges on temperature and humidity control in the storage area. Ideally, desiccants should be stored at temperatures below 30°C (86°F) and at a relative humidity (RH) of less than 50%. These conditions prevent the desiccants from reacting with the moisture in the air, which preserves their drying capacity until they are ready to be used in your shipping containers or storage units.

climate-controlled storage - desiccant storage container

Implementing a Desiccant Strategy

  1. Initial Assessment: Before using desiccants, assess the moisture vulnerability of the items you’re shipping or storing. This step determines the amount and type of desiccant you’ll need.

  2. Proper Placement: Ensure that desiccants are placed strategically within the shipping container or storage box. They should be near the products but not in direct contact with them to avoid any potential damage.

  3. Regular Checks: If your shipment or storage is long-term, it’s wise to check the condition of the desiccants periodically. If they show signs of saturation (many desiccants change color when this happens), it’s time to replace them.

  4. Disposal or Recharging: Once desiccants reach their moisture capacity, you can either replace them or, in the case of some types like silica gel, recharge them by drying them out, following manufacturer instructions.

By understanding and catering to the storage requirements and lifespan of desiccants, you can significantly enhance the protection of your goods against moisture damage. The key to effective moisture control is not just in selecting the right desiccant but also in how you store and maintain it.

As we transition to addressing frequently asked questions about desiccant storage containers, keep these guidelines in mind to ensure your products remain dry and damage-free throughout their journey.

Learn more about the proper use and storage of desiccants.

Implementing Desiccant Solutions in Shipping

When it comes to shipping, the battle against moisture is ongoing. Moisture can lead to “container rain,” cargo sweat, mold, mildew, and ultimately, damage to the goods being transported. This is where implementing the right desiccant solutions can make all the difference.

High Absorbent Desiccant
The key to effective moisture control in shipping is using a high absorbent desiccant. Products like those offered by IMPAK are designed specifically for the harsh conditions of ocean container shipments. They are capable of absorbing moisture aggressively, preventing the accumulation of humidity inside the container.

IMPAK Solutions
IMPAK’s desiccant solutions stand out because they are not just highly effective at controlling moisture; they are also environmentally safe and compliant with regulations for food and drug shipments. This makes them an ideal choice for a wide range of goods, from agricultural products and textiles to electronics and pharmaceuticals.

Ocean Container Shipments
For ocean container shipments, desiccants are a must-have. The combination of high humidity levels at sea and fluctuating temperatures can create the perfect storm for moisture damage. By using a desiccant storage container, shippers can significantly reduce the risk of container rain and cargo sweat affecting the goods.

Cargo Sweat Prevention
Cargo sweat occurs when the temperature inside the container changes rapidly, causing moisture to condense on the surfaces of the cargo. High absorbent desiccants work by maintaining a balanced humidity level within the container, preventing the conditions that lead to cargo sweat.

Mold and Mildew Inhibition
Beyond just preventing water damage, desiccants play a crucial role in inhibiting the growth of mold and mildew. These fungi can not only cause physical damage to goods but can also pose health risks. Desiccants ensure that the air inside the container remains dry, making it inhospitable for mold and mildew to grow.

Implementing desiccant solutions in shipping is not just about protecting the cargo from moisture. It’s about ensuring that goods arrive at their destination in the same condition they left, maintaining their quality and value. With the right desiccant storage container, shippers can have peace of mind, knowing their products are safeguarded against the damaging effects of moisture.

As we transition to addressing frequently asked questions about desiccant storage containers, the effectiveness of a desiccant solution depends not just on the quality of the desiccant but also on its proper implementation in the shipping process.

Learn more about the proper use and storage of desiccants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Desiccant Storage Containers

Let’s dive into some common questions that pop up when thinking about desiccant storage containers. We’ll keep it simple and to the point.

How do you store desiccant?

Keep it sealed. When not in use, keep your desiccant in an airtight container. This prevents it from “working” when you don’t need it to by absorbing moisture from the surrounding air.

Stay cool and dry. Store the container in a cool, dry place to maintain the desiccant’s effectiveness. Avoid places like basements or attics where temperature and humidity can fluctuate.

What is a desiccant container?

A desiccant container is essentially a storage solution that holds desiccant materials. These containers are designed to protect sensitive items from moisture damage during storage or shipment. They can vary in size from small packets used in product packaging to large units for shipping containers.

How long do desiccant canisters last?

The lifespan of a desiccant canister depends on a few factors:

  • Exposure: How often it’s exposed to air and for how long.
  • Environment: The humidity levels of the environment it’s used in.
  • Type of desiccant: Some desiccants, like silica gel, can be “recharged” by drying them out, thus extending their life.

Typically, a desiccant canister can last from several months to a few years. However, if you’re using a rechargeable type, like silica gel, you can extend its life indefinitely with proper care. For a practical example, in a tightly sealed environment like a Pelican case, desiccant bags have been shown to maintain low humidity levels effectively over several months.

The key to maximizing the lifespan of your desiccant canisters is proper storage and regular checks on their condition. If your desiccant changes color (if it’s the type that does), or if you notice an increase in humidity levels in your stored items, it might be time to replace or recharge it.


In wrapping up our discussion on the importance of desiccants in shipping and storage, it’s clear that the key to preserving the integrity of your goods lies in effective moisture prevention. Our journey through understanding the various aspects of desiccants, from their types and uses to the critical role of storage conditions, highlights the necessity of a thoughtful approach to moisture control.

At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we are committed to ensuring that your products reach their destination in pristine condition. Our desiccant storage container solutions are designed not just to combat the challenge of moisture but to do so in a way that is safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible. We understand that the quality of your products is paramount, and our desiccant solutions are a testament to our dedication to maintaining that quality from factory to retail.

desiccant storage container - desiccant storage container

The implementation of high-absorbent desiccants, such as those offered by Micro-Pak, is more than just a measure against humidity; it’s a safeguard for your goods against the detrimental effects of mold, mildew, and corrosion. Whether it’s ocean container shipments, where the risk of container rain is high, or long-term storage in climates prone to extreme dew points, our products stand ready to protect your items under the most challenging conditions.

The success of moisture prevention is deeply rooted in the choice of the right desiccant solution and its proper implementation. With Micro-Pak’s desiccant storage containers, you’re not just investing in a product but in a partnership that prioritizes the preservation and quality of your goods.

Let’s not allow moisture to ruin the hard work you put into your products. Together, with the right strategies and solutions in hand, we can ensure that your shipments, regardless of their journey, arrive in the condition you intended. Explore our range of desiccant solutions at Micro-Pak Distribution USA and take the first step towards impeccable moisture control today.