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When looking into desiccant for shipping containers, grasp that these products are geared towards absorbing moisture to prevent the damaging effects of humidity on shipped goods. This includes ensuring products like agricultural goods, textiles, and electronics are not ruined by mold, mildew, or corrosion, a significant concern for manufacturers and retailers.

Desiccants are your frontline defense against moisture in shipping environments, crucial for Moisture Control in Shipping Containers. They come in various types, including Silica Gel, Calcium Chloride, and Clay, each suited for different requirements and conditions.

Choosing the right desiccant involves understanding your cargo, container dimensions, transit conditions, and storage duration. A rough guide suggests using about 1 to 1.5 pounds of desiccant per 100 square feet of container space, but specific needs can vary.

Infographic detailing the selection process for choosing the right desiccant for different shipping containers, highlighting factors such as container size, cargo type, expected transit conditions, and desiccant types including Silica Gel, Calcium Chloride, and Clay. It emphasizes the importance of calculating the exact amount of desiccant required to keep shipments dry and secure from mold, mildew, and corrosion. - desiccant for shipping containers infographic pillar-4-steps

In short, desiccant for shipping containers play a pivotal role in safeguarding goods from moisture-induced damage during transport and storage. They are an essential component in maintaining product integrity and customer satisfaction for consumer goods manufacturers and retailers.

Understanding Desiccants and Their Importance

When it comes to shipping and storing goods, one of the biggest enemies you’ll face is moisture. It’s like the invisible villain in a superhero movie – always lurking and ready to strike when you least expect it. Moisture can lead to Moisture Damage, Rust, Corrosion, and can wreak havoc on Hygroscopic Cargo (that’s a fancy term for goods that absorb moisture from the air, like coffee or cocoa).

Imagine you’re shipping a container full of beautiful leather jackets, and when they arrive, they’re all covered in mold. Not a pretty picture, right? That’s where desiccant for shipping containers comes in to save the day.

Desiccants are basically moisture absorbers. They’re like the superhero sidekicks, working hard behind the scenes to keep your goods dry and safe. There are a few different types, but they all have one job: to suck up moisture and prevent the damage it can cause.

Why Are Desiccants So Important?

Let’s break it down:

  • Moisture Damage: This is the big one. Moisture can cause all sorts of problems, from making boxes soggy and weak to ruining the products inside.
  • Rust and Corrosion: Metal parts are especially vulnerable. Once rust gets a foothold, it can destroy electrical components, machinery parts, and more.
  • Hygroscopic Cargo: Some goods, like food and textiles, can absorb moisture from the air. This can lead to mold, mildew, and other unpleasantness that can ruin the entire shipment.

Real-World Impact

Here’s a quick story to bring it to life. A shipment of electronics was once ruined because of condensation inside the container. The moisture got into the packaging and short-circuited the devices. It was a costly mistake that could have been prevented with the right amount of desiccant.

The Bottom Line

Using desiccant for shipping containers is like having an insurance policy against moisture damage. It’s a small step that can save a lot of money and heartache down the line. Whether you’re shipping across the country or around the world, making sure your goods arrive in top condition is always the goal. Desiccants help make that happen.

Now that we’ve covered why desiccants are so crucial let’s dive into the different types available and how to choose the best one for your needs.

As we transition to the next section, keep in mind that choosing the right desiccant is just the first step. There are innovative solutions and practical tips to ensure your shipments stay dry, no matter what challenges come their way.

How Much Desiccant Do You Need?

When it comes to protecting your goods during shipping, knowing how much desiccant you need is crucial. This section will cover Container Size, Desiccant Required, and Calculation Methods.

Container Size

First things first: the size of your shipping container plays a big role in determining how much desiccant you need. A standard 20-foot container has about 1,170 square feet of floor space. The larger 40-foot containers double that space, meaning they can hold more cargo but also have more air volume that could potentially hold moisture.

Desiccant Required

Here’s a simple rule to start with: you generally need 1 to 1.5 pounds of desiccant per 100 square feet of container space. This means for a 20-foot container, you’d need approximately 12 to 18 pounds of desiccant. However, this is just a starting point. Factors like the moisture content of your cargo, the duration of the shipment, and the climate conditions along the route can all affect the amount of desiccant you actually need.

Calculation Methods

1. Basic Calculation: Start with the rule of 1 to 1.5 pounds per 100 square feet. This method is quick and easy, but it might not be the most accurate for your specific needs.

2. Consider the Cargo: If you’re shipping hygroscopic goods (like textiles or food products that easily absorb moisture), you might need to increase the amount of desiccant.

3. Environmental Conditions: Factor in the climate. Shipping from a dry area to a humid one? Or during a rainy season? Increase your desiccant accordingly.

4. Duration of the Shipment: Longer trips mean more time for moisture to accumulate. If your cargo will be on the move for more than a couple of weeks, adding extra desiccant could be a wise choice.

These are guidelines to get you started. The best approach is to consult with desiccant suppliers or shipping experts who can give you advice tailored to your specific situation. They might suggest innovative products like Container Dri® II which are designed for high moisture absorption in shipping environments.

Practical Tip: It’s better to err on the side of too much desiccant than too little. The cost of the desiccant is often minimal compared to the value of the cargo you’re protecting.

In the end, ensuring your goods arrive in perfect condition is the ultimate goal. With the right amount of desiccant, you’re one step closer to achieving that.

Remember that while desiccants play a crucial role in moisture control, there are also other innovative solutions and preventative measures you can take to protect your shipments further. Let’s explore those next.

Top Desiccants for Shipping Containers

When it comes to protecting your cargo from the damaging effects of moisture, choosing the right desiccant for shipping containers is crucial. Moisture can lead to mold, mildew, corrosion, and other unwanted damage that can compromise the quality and integrity of your shipped goods. Here, we delve into the top desiccants that have proven to be effective in safeguarding shipments during transport: Silica Gel, Calcium Chloride, and Clay. Each of these desiccants has its unique properties and advantages, making them suitable for various applications.

Silica Gel Packets

Silica Gel is a popular choice due to its high absorption capacity and versatility. Companies like IMPAK and SorbentSystems provide Silica Gel packets tailored for shipping needs. These packets are available in various sizes, ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your container, regardless of its dimensions.

Benefits of Silica Gel:
Non-toxic and safe to use with food and pharmaceuticals.
Reusability, allowing for cost-effective moisture control solutions.
Indicator Silica Gels change color when saturated, making it easy to know when replacement is necessary.

Calcium Chloride Desiccants

Calcium Chloride is renowned for its high absorption capability, making it an ideal choice for long voyages and shipments prone to excessive moisture. IMPAK offers Calcium Chloride desiccants that are designed to aggressively remove moisture from the air.

Advantages of Calcium Chloride:
Superior moisture absorption compared to other desiccants.
Effective in various environmental conditions, including extremely high humidity levels.
Prevents “container rain” by maintaining a lower dew point within the container.

Clay Desiccants

Clay is an environmentally friendly option that offers effective moisture control without harming the planet. Its natural composition makes it a sustainable choice for businesses looking to minimize their ecological footprint. The U8CT model, a clay desiccant packaged in Tyvek, is a testament to the commitment of companies like SorbentSystems to provide eco-conscious solutions.

Benefits of Clay Desiccants:
Biodegradable, reducing waste and environmental impact.
Cost-effective for businesses seeking an affordable moisture control solution.
Safe for use with a wide range of products, including food and electronics.

Choosing the right desiccant for your shipping containers depends on various factors, including the nature of the goods being shipped, the length of the journey, and the environmental conditions expected during transport. Whether you opt for Silica Gel, Calcium Chloride, or Clay, each desiccant offers unique benefits that can help ensure your cargo arrives in pristine condition.

As we’ve seen, the cost of the desiccant is often a small price to pay for the peace of mind and protection it provides. With the right desiccant, you’re not just safeguarding your goods against moisture; you’re also protecting your reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Next, we’ll explore additional measures and innovative solutions that can complement the use of desiccants and offer even more robust protection against moisture during shipping.

Preventing Moisture in Shipping Containers

Innovative Solutions for Moisture Control

When it comes to keeping your cargo dry and safe, the right strategies can make all the difference. Beyond the basic use of desiccants, there are several innovative solutions and best practices to consider for moisture control in shipping containers.

Pallet Selection: Choosing the right pallets is the first step. Opt for pallets made of plastic or other materials that don’t absorb moisture. This simple choice can significantly reduce the risk of moisture reaching your cargo.

Insulation: Proper insulation is key to maintaining a stable temperature inside the container. It helps in minimizing the condensation that can occur when temperatures fluctuate during transit.

Ventilation: Good ventilation helps to circulate air and reduce humidity levels inside the container. This can be particularly important for long-haul shipments where air can become stagnant.

Air-conditioning: For sensitive cargo, air-conditioned containers provide the ultimate control over the internal climate, ensuring that temperature and humidity levels are kept within safe ranges throughout the journey.

Dehumidifiers: For the ultimate protection, consider using electric or battery-operated dehumidifiers within the container. These devices can actively remove moisture from the air, keeping your cargo dry.

Container Dri II: As an innovative solution, Container Dri II offers a high absorption capability, making it an excellent choice for controlling moisture. Its patented technology controls the dew point, preventing condensation and container rain. With options like the Container Dri II – 64ct w/ Adhesive, you can easily place these desiccants throughout the container for targeted moisture control.

High Absorption Strips: Specifically designed for shipping containers, these strips can absorb a significant amount of moisture. They are easy to install and can be placed in strategic locations to protect vulnerable areas of your cargo.

Adhesive Backing: Products with adhesive backing, such as some Container Dri II options, allow for easy application on container walls or ceilings, ensuring the desiccant stays in place throughout the journey.

CD125ST6ADH: This specific product code refers to Container Dri II strips with adhesive backing, designed for easy installation. These strips are a practical choice for shippers looking to combine the high absorption properties of Container Dri II with the convenience of adhesive application.

Moisture Control Solutions - desiccant for shipping containers

By combining these strategies with the use of high-quality desiccants, you can create a comprehensive moisture control plan that addresses all potential risks. Whether it’s selecting the right pallets, insulating and ventilating the container, or choosing the most effective desiccants, each step contributes to the overall protection of your cargo.

Keep in mind that the goal is not just to prevent moisture but to ensure that your goods arrive in the best possible condition. With the right approach, you can safeguard against moisture damage, preserve your reputation, and maintain customer satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions about Desiccants for Shipping Containers

How Long Does Container Desiccant Last?

Desiccant Lifespan
The lifespan of a desiccant for shipping containers can vary. It depends on factors like the type of desiccant, the conditions inside the container, and the length of the journey. Typically, a desiccant can last anywhere from 30 to 90 days. It’s all about the environment it’s in. More humidity means the desiccant works harder and might get used up faster.

Environmental Factors
Hotter climates or goods that release moisture can shorten a desiccant’s life. It’s like when you’re thirsty on a hot day compared to a cool one; you’ll need more water sooner. Always consider the journey’s conditions when planning.

How to Stop Condensation in Shipping Containers in Winter?

Condensation Prevention
Winter brings unique challenges, like temperature swings that can lead to condensation. To keep things dry, use enough desiccant to match your container size and cargo. Think of it as bundling up in the right winter gear.

Winter Tips
Also, consider insulating your container. It’s like putting a warm blanket around your goods, keeping the inside temperature more stable and reducing the risk of condensation.

How to Keep Shipping Containers Dry?

Dry Shipping Methods
Keeping your shipping container dry starts with a good game plan. Use desiccants efficiently, based on the size of your container and the nature of your goods. Think of desiccants as your first line of defense against moisture.

Desiccant Use
It’s not just about throwing in a bunch of desiccants. Placement matters. Spread them out evenly, focusing on areas prone to moisture. It’s like setting up a team of defenders across the field, not just at the goal.

Airing Out
Finally, if possible, air out your container before loading. It’s like letting fresh air into a stuffy room, reducing initial humidity and giving your desiccants a head start.

In wrapping up, whether it’s battling condensation in winter or ensuring your goods stay dry year-round, understanding and implementing these strategies can make all the difference. The goal is to deliver your cargo in pristine condition, maintaining your reputation and customer satisfaction. With the right approach, you can keep moisture at bay and ensure smooth sailing for your shipments.


In our journey through desiccant for shipping containers, we’ve covered a lot of ground. From understanding the crucial role desiccants play in preventing moisture damage to exploring the most effective types available, it’s clear that keeping your cargo dry isn’t just about throwing in a few packets and hoping for the best. It’s about making informed choices and using the right products for your specific needs.

At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we believe in providing solutions that not only meet but exceed your moisture control needs. Our Micro-Pak Container Desiccants are designed with your cargo’s safety in mind. Manufactured by Clariant, a global leader in specialty chemicals, these desiccants offer superior moisture absorption, ensuring your goods arrive in the same condition they were sent. Whether you’re shipping textiles, electronics, or anything in between, our products provide the protection your cargo deserves.

Micro-Pak Desiccants - desiccant for shipping containers

But it’s not just about the products. It’s about the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re using environmentally safe and effective solutions. It’s about the confidence in knowing that your shipments are protected against the damaging effects of moisture, mold, and mildew. And most importantly, it’s about ensuring your goods reach their destination in pristine condition, preserving your reputation and customer satisfaction.

Effective moisture prevention is more than just a necessity; it’s a commitment to quality and reliability. At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we’re proud to be part of your shipping solution, offering products and advice to keep your cargo dry and your customers happy.

The right desiccant for shipping containers can make all the difference. Choose wisely, choose Micro-Pak, and ensure your shipments are protected every step of the way.