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Are you a consumer goods manufacturer or retailer battling against the risk of mold and mildew during storage and transportation? A Clay Desiccant might be your knight in shining armor. These desiccants, made from natural minerals like Bentonite, Montmorillonite, and Aluminosilicate, offer a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution to keep moisture at bay and ensure your products remain pristine.

Clay Desiccants are not just ordinary drying agents. They are powerhouse absorbers that outdo many other materials in humid conditions. Whether it’s pharmaceuticals, electronics, or food products, these tiny packets work silently inside packages, safeguarding against moisture-induced damage. The cherry on top? They boast impressive environmental credentials, being made from a natural mineral, sans harsh chemicals.

This guide will journey through understanding the nuts and bolts of Clay Desiccants, spotlighting leading suppliers like Micro-Pak Distribution USA, who can guarantee your peace of mind by keeping your goods dry and customers happy.

_Introduction to Clay Desiccants: A visual guide covering Bentonite, Montmorillonite, Aluminosilicate, and their roles in moisture control within consumer goods packaging._ - clay desiccant supplier infographic pillar-5-steps

Simple, effective, and environmentally friendly, adopting clay desiccants can be the game-changer in your fight against moisture damage. Let’s dive deeper into understanding these natural warriors and identifying the top suppliers who can deliver the protection your products deserve.

Understanding Clay Desiccants

When we talk about keeping things dry, clay desiccants are like the unsung heroes in the background. They’re not just any kind of clay; they’re special. Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to get.

Types of Clay Desiccants

First off, not all clay is created equal. Bentonite and Montmorillonite are the stars of the show. They’re part of a group called Desi Pak®, Sorb-It®, and Tri-Sorb®. These aren’t your garden-variety clays; they have superpowers to suck moisture out of the air.

Uses of Clay Desiccants

You might wonder, “Where can I use these magical clays?” Well, they’re pretty versatile. From keeping your pharmaceuticals safe and dry, protecting electronics from humidity, preserving food quality, to safeguarding military gear and helping with general storage – they’ve got you covered.

Reactivating Clay Desiccants

Here’s a cool trick: these clay desiccants can be reactivated. Yep, you heard that right. Just heat them up for a bit (16 hours at 245°F), and they’re good as new. It’s like getting multiple lives in a video game.

Environmental Impact

Now, for the cherry on top: these clays are friends of the Earth. They’re natural minerals, no nasty chemicals involved. Plus, they’re sustainable. Choosing clay desiccants means you’re doing your part for the planet while keeping your goods dry.

Sustainable Packaging - clay desiccant supplier

So, there you have it. Whether you’re in the business of shipping electronics, storing food, or just need to keep your closet dry, clay desiccants are your go-to solution. And with companies like IMPAK Corporation and Micro-Pak Distribution USA leading the charge, you’re in good hands.

Moving on, let’s compare these natural warriors to their synthetic counterpart, silica gel, and see how they stack up.

Top Clay Desiccant Suppliers

When it comes to keeping things dry, whether it’s your pharmaceuticals, electronics, or even your pantry, clay desiccants are the unsung heroes. Let’s dive into some of the top suppliers in the game: AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc., IMPAK Corporation, and Micro-Pak Distribution USA. Each of these suppliers brings something unique to the table.

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc. might be more known for its work with Silica Gel and High-Grade SiO2, but it’s also a player in the desiccant world. They offer a variety of granule sizes, making their products versatile for different applications. While not strictly a clay desiccant supplier, their expertise in moisture control solutions makes them a noteworthy mention.

IMPAK Corporation

Moving onto a more traditional clay desiccant supplier, IMPAK Corporation shines with its Montmorillonite clay offerings. This naturally occurring mineral is the backbone of their desiccant products. What sets IMPAK apart is their commitment to quality and performance, as evidenced by their products meeting the rigorous Military Spec D-3464E for static dehumidification. This specification is no small feat and speaks volumes about the effectiveness and reliability of IMPAK’s desiccants. Plus, they tout cost efficiency as one of their key advantages. For businesses looking to protect their goods without breaking the bank, IMPAK’s solutions are hard to beat.

Micro-Pak Distribution USA

Lastly, we have Micro-Pak Distribution USA, a company that has carved out a niche for itself by focusing on sustainability. Their Dri Clay® Kraft, made from natural bentonite clay and packaged in biodegradable FSC-certified Kraft paper, is a testament to their commitment to the environment. This approach not only offers effective moisture control but does so with minimal environmental impact. For companies and consumers increasingly concerned with sustainability, Micro-Pak’s offerings are compelling.

Comparing Clay and Silica Gel Desiccants

When pitted against silica gel, clay desiccants like those from IMPAK and Micro-Pak have several notable advantages. Firstly, they are often more cost-effective, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to optimize their packaging solutions. Furthermore, clay desiccants are environmentally friendly, composed of natural minerals without the need for harsh chemicals. This aspect is particularly appealing in today’s eco-conscious market.

In terms of adsorption capacity, clay desiccants are highly effective at room temperature, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. However, it’s worth noting their limitation at higher temperatures, where they can lose their moisture-absorbing capabilities. This is where silica gel might have an edge, especially in applications exposed to varying or high temperatures.

Nevertheless, for most standard shipping, storage, and packaging needs, clay desiccants provide a reliable and sustainable choice. Their natural composition, cost efficiency, and compliance with military specifications make them a go-to solution for moisture control.

It’s clear that the choice between clay and silica gel desiccants will depend on specific application needs. However, with suppliers like IMPAK Corporation and Micro-Pak Distribution USA leading the charge in clay-based solutions, the future of moisture control looks both effective and environmentally responsible.

Comparing Clay and Silica Gel Desiccants

When it comes to keeping products dry, both clay and silica gel desiccants are popular choices. But how do they stack up against each other? Let’s dive into their adsorption capacity, temperature sensitivity, cost, and environmental safety.

Adsorption Capacity

Clay Desiccants: These are workhorses when it comes to moisture adsorption. A unit of clay desiccant can absorb 3 grams of water vapor at 20% relative humidity and 6 grams at 40% relative humidity. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, from pharmaceuticals to electronics and food storage.

Silica Gel Desiccants: Silica gel is also highly efficient in moisture adsorption. It’s often preferred for its consistent performance across a broader range of relative humidity levels. However, for the same weight, clay desiccants often offer better cost efficiency.

Temperature Sensitivity

Clay Desiccants: The major limitation of clay desiccants is their performance at high temperatures. Above 120°F, they may start to release moisture back into the environment, which could be a drawback for some applications.

Silica Gel Desiccants: Silica gel maintains its moisture adsorption capabilities across a wider range of temperatures. This makes it a more versatile choice for applications exposed to higher temperatures.


Clay Desiccants: Ounce for ounce, clay is one of the most cost-efficient ways to reduce moisture damage. Its natural abundance and minimal processing requirements keep costs low, making it an attractive option for large-scale or cost-sensitive applications.

Silica Gel Desiccants: While silica gel is effective, it generally comes at a higher cost compared to clay. This is due to the more complex manufacturing process and the materials used.

Environmental Safety

Clay Desiccants: Clay is arguably the most “green” or environmentally safe of all typically used desiccants. It’s made from naturally occurring minerals and contains no harmful chemicals. Plus, it can be regenerated for repeated use, enhancing its sustainability.

Silica Gel Desiccants: Silica gel is also considered safe and non-toxic, and it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. However, the synthetic nature of silica gel and its manufacturing process may not be as eco-friendly as the natural extraction and minimal processing of clay.

In conclusion, the choice between clay and silica gel desiccants depends on the specific requirements of your application, including moisture adsorption needs, temperature conditions, budget constraints, and environmental impact considerations. Clay desiccants, with their cost efficiency and environmental safety, offer compelling benefits, especially for applications that don’t involve extreme temperatures. On the other hand, silica gel desiccants might be the better choice for applications requiring moisture control at higher temperatures or where budget is less of a concern.

As we continue to evaluate the best solutions for moisture control, consider both the functional and environmental impacts of our choices. Suppliers like IMPAK Corporation and Micro-Pak Distribution USA are at the forefront, providing effective and sustainable options for the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions about Clay Desiccants

When it comes to keeping products dry and safe, clay desiccants are a popular choice. But, you might have some questions about them. Let’s dive into some common queries.

Who makes desiccant?

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc. is one of the key players in the production of desiccants, including those made from clay. Other notable suppliers include IMPAK Corporation and Micro-Pak Distribution USA, each offering a range of desiccant solutions tailored to various industry needs.

How long do clay desiccant packs last?

The lifespan of a clay desiccant pack can vary depending on several factors. These include the conditions of the environment where the desiccant is used, such as humidity levels and temperature, as well as the packaging material’s properties. Generally, clay desiccant packs can last anywhere from a few months to a year before needing replacement. However, this duration can extend or shorten based on the environmental factors mentioned.

Can clay desiccant be reused?

Yes, clay desiccant can be reused. The activation process involves heating the clay desiccant to a specific temperature, which drives out the absorbed moisture and prepares it for reuse. This process can typically be done in a conventional oven. The structure of the clay desiccant remains intact during this reactivation process, allowing it to be reused multiple times. However, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the correct temperature and duration for reactivation to ensure the desiccant’s effectiveness is maintained.

In summary, clay desiccants, provided by suppliers like AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc., offer a sustainable and efficient way to control moisture. Their ability to be reused, coupled with their natural composition, makes them an environmentally friendly choice for moisture control in various industries. The effectiveness and lifespan of clay desiccant packs are influenced by environmental conditions and the specific needs of the application.


In wrapping up our discussion on clay desiccants, it’s clear that these natural, sustainable solutions play a crucial role in moisture prevention across a wide range of industries. From pharmaceuticals to electronics, and from food storage to military applications, the need for effective moisture control is universal. That’s where Micro-Pak Distribution USA comes into the picture as a leading clay desiccant supplier.

moisture prevention in packaging - clay desiccant supplier

Micro-Pak Distribution USA stands out not just for supplying high-quality desiccants but also for its commitment to providing solutions that are both effective and environmentally responsible. Our products, including the innovative Micro-Pak container desiccants, are designed to aggressively remove moisture from the air inside containers. This approach not only protects products from moisture damage but also creates an environment less conducive to mold growth, ensuring that goods arrive at their destination in pristine condition.

Our use of advanced, specially formulated ingredients means that our desiccants absorb more moisture, faster, and for longer periods than many comparative products on the market. This efficiency allows our clients to reduce the quantity of desiccant needed per container, offering unsurpassed moisture control at a minimum cost. It’s an approach that underscores our belief in providing value through sustainability and effectiveness.

The consumer goods industry, in particular, benefits greatly from our solutions. Whether it’s preventing mold on leather goods, ensuring the integrity of packaged foods, or safeguarding sensitive electronic components, Micro-Pak offers a reliable line of defense against moisture. Our products are a testament to our commitment to protecting your goods from the factory floor to the final consumer, ensuring that quality is preserved every step of the way.

In conclusion, as we look to the future, Micro-Pak Distribution USA remains dedicated to innovation in the field of moisture prevention. Our focus on sustainability, coupled with our expertise as a clay desiccant supplier, positions us as a key partner in the consumer goods industry. We’re not just about providing products; we’re about offering comprehensive solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients. For anyone seeking effective moisture prevention, Micro-Pak is here to help, ensuring that your products remain dry, safe, and in optimal condition.