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Calcium chloride desiccant solutions are highly effective at controlling moisture, making them popular for preventing mold and mildew in consumer goods during storage and transport. They absorb moisture from the air, protecting products like electronics, textiles, leather goods, and food items.

Here’s why using calcium chloride desiccant solutions can be beneficial:

  • Excellent moisture absorption: Calcium chloride can absorb up to several times its weight in water.
  • Affordable and readily available: Easily sourced and cost-effective compared to other desiccants.
  • Versatile usage: Useful in various settings, from industrial environments to personal spaces like basements and vehicles.

However, there are potential safety risks associated with calcium chloride desiccants that you should be aware of:

  1. Corrosion: Calcium chloride can cause rust and damage metal surfaces.
  2. Skin and eye irritation: Direct contact can result in burns or irritation.
  3. Environmental concerns: Improper disposal can harm the environment.

Understanding these risks will help you make an informed decision about using calcium chloride desiccants for moisture control.

Dangers and benefits of calcium chloride desiccants - calcium chloride desiccant solution infographic mindmap-5-items

What is Calcium Chloride?

Calcium chloride is a versatile chemical compound with the formula CaCl₂. It is highly soluble in water and has several unique properties that make it useful in various applications.

Chemical Properties

Calcium chloride is a hygroscopic salt, which means it has a strong ability to absorb moisture from the air. This property makes it an excellent desiccant. It can attract and hold water molecules, helping to maintain low humidity levels in enclosed spaces.

Uses in Dehumidifiers

One of the most common uses of calcium chloride desiccant solutions is in dehumidifiers. These solutions are highly effective at removing moisture from the air, making them ideal for use in:

  • Basements: Helps prevent mold and mildew.
  • Vehicles: Keeps interiors dry and reduces the risk of rust.
  • Storage Units: Protects stored items from dampness.

For example, products like DampRid use calcium chloride to keep spaces dry and free from musty odors.

Edible Salt

Interestingly, calcium chloride is also used as an edible salt. In the food industry, it serves multiple purposes:

  • Firming Agent: Helps maintain the firmness of canned vegetables.
  • Flavor Enhancer: Adds a salty taste without increasing sodium content.
  • Electrolyte: Used in sports drinks to replenish lost minerals.

However, it’s crucial to handle calcium chloride with care due to its potential health risks, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

Calcium Chloride Crystals - calcium chloride desiccant solution

Understanding these properties and uses of calcium chloride will help you better appreciate its role in moisture control and other applications.

Health Risks Associated with Calcium Chloride Desiccants

Calcium chloride is effective in many applications, but it comes with significant health risks, especially when used as a desiccant in home environments.

Long-Term Exposure Risks

Respiratory Issues: Prolonged exposure to calcium chloride dust can lead to severe respiratory problems. According to the US National Library of Medicine (NIH), inhalation can cause irritation of the nose and throat, and long-term exposure may result in chronic respiratory issues.

Lung Damage: Over time, breathing in calcium chloride dust can cause lung damage. This is particularly concerning for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic bronchitis. The NIH warns that long-term exposure can lead to significant lung damage, making it crucial to avoid inhaling this substance.

Immediate Health Hazards

Burns and Severe Irritation: Direct contact with calcium chloride can cause immediate health issues. The NIH states that ingestion causes irritation of the mouth and stomach, while contact with the eyes, especially in dust form, can cause severe irritation and possible corneal injury. In some cases, contact with dry skin can cause mild irritation, but strong solutions can lead to more severe burns.

NIH Warnings: The NIH strongly advises against the use of calcium chloride in environments where people might inhale or come into direct contact with it. They note that even minimal exposure can cause significant irritation and potential long-term health issues.

Given these risks, consider safer alternatives for moisture control in your home or workplace.

Next, we’ll compare calcium chloride with other desiccant options to help you make an informed choice.

Comparing Desiccant Options

When it comes to moisture control, choosing the right desiccant is crucial. Let’s explore the benefits of Micro-Pak’s advanced moisture control solutions compared to traditional desiccants like calcium chloride.

Benefits of Micro-Pak Products

Micro-Pak Stickers and Sheets

Micro-Pak products are designed for safety and effectiveness:

  • Non-Corrosive: Unlike calcium chloride, Micro-Pak products do not rust metal surfaces.
  • Eco-Friendly: Micro-Pak products are environmentally friendly and do not require electricity, making them sustainable options.
  • Safe: These products are safe to handle and do not pose the same health risks as calcium chloride.

Calcium Chloride in Consumer Products

Absorption Efficiency

While calcium chloride excels in moisture absorption:

  • High Capacity: It can absorb several times its weight in water, especially in high humidity environments.
  • Effective Range: Works well from freezing temperatures up to 80°C.


Despite its efficiency, calcium chloride has some costs:

  • Initial Cost: Generally cheaper than some alternatives.
  • Replacement: Needs to be replaced once it turns into liquid brine, adding to ongoing costs.

Environmental Impact

Calcium chloride has a mixed environmental footprint:

  • Natural Product: Derived from limestone or brine purification.
  • Packaging: Often comes in plastic, which isn’t eco-friendly.


Choosing between Micro-Pak products and traditional desiccants like calcium chloride depends on your specific needs:

  • For high humidity: Calcium chloride is highly effective.
  • For safety and sustainability: Micro-Pak products are better options.

Calcium Chloride Desiccant Solution in Various Applications

Specific Use Cases

Calcium chloride is commonly used in dehumidifiers because it effectively absorbs moisture from the air. It is especially popular in products like DampRid. However, while it may reduce humidity quickly, it comes with significant risks.

Food Preservation
Calcium chloride is also used in food preservation, particularly in canning and pickling. It helps maintain the texture of fruits and vegetables. But remember, while it’s safe in small amounts, larger quantities can be harmful.

Industrial Uses
In industrial settings, calcium chloride is utilized to dry gases like nitrogen and hydrogen. It’s also used to control humidity in shipping containers. However, the same properties that make it effective can also lead to corrosion and damage to equipment.

Dangers in Enclosed Spaces

Using calcium chloride desiccants in vehicles can be risky. The chemical is highly corrosive to metal parts. Over time, it can cause rust and damage to your car’s interior and electronic components. This is especially problematic in winter storage when vehicles are kept in unheated garages.

Gun Safes
Calcium chloride should never be used in gun safes. The chemical’s corrosive nature can damage firearms, leading to rust and compromised safety. As a safer alternative, consider renewable desiccants like silica gel, which are non-corrosive and reusable.

Marine Applications
While many marine surfaces are resistant to corrosion, using calcium chloride on boats can still present problems. Extended exposure can lead to rust and deterioration of metal parts, compromising the vessel’s integrity.

Corrosion and Property Destruction

Calcium chloride is exceptionally corrosive to metals. This means it can cause significant damage if used in enclosed spaces like vehicles, gun safes, or even certain home environments. The chemical can eat away at metal surfaces, leading to rust and eventual structural failure.

The US National Library of Medicine (NIH) warns against the use of calcium chloride due to its potential to cause severe irritation and burns. This extends to the damage it can do to your property, not just your health.

In summary, while calcium chloride desiccant solutions are effective at moisture control, their risks often outweigh the benefits. For safer alternatives, look into silica gel or renewable desiccants, especially for sensitive applications.

Frequently Asked Questions about Calcium Chloride Desiccant Solutions

Can calcium chloride be reused as a desiccant?

Yes, calcium chloride desiccant solutions can be reused. When calcium chloride absorbs moisture, it forms a solution that can be dried out and reused. However, the process requires heating the solution to evaporate the water, which can be cumbersome and energy-intensive. Additionally, repeated use may reduce its efficiency over time.

How does calcium chloride compare to silica gel in high humidity?

Calcium chloride is highly effective in high humidity environments. It can absorb more moisture compared to silica gel, making it a preferred choice for extremely damp conditions. However, this high absorption capacity comes with risks, such as potential health hazards and corrosiveness to metals.

Silica gel, on the other hand, is less effective in very high humidity but is safer to use. It doesn’t pose the same health risks or cause corrosion, making it a better option for household use and applications involving sensitive materials.

What precautions should be taken when using calcium chloride in dehumidifiers?

Using calcium chloride in dehumidifiers requires careful handling to minimize risks:

  1. Avoid Direct Contact: Always wear gloves and eye protection when handling calcium chloride, as it can cause skin and eye irritation.

  2. Proper Ventilation: Ensure the area is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling any dust or fumes that may be released.

  3. Containment: Use sealed containers to prevent spills and accidental contact. This is crucial in vehicles or gun safes, where spills can cause corrosion.

  4. Regular Inspection: Check for any leaks or spills regularly. Clean up immediately to prevent damage to surfaces and reduce health risks.

  5. Storage: Store calcium chloride in a cool, dry place away from metals and other materials that it could corrode.

By following these precautions, you can safely manage the risks associated with calcium chloride desiccants.

Now that we’ve covered the frequently asked questions, let’s dive into the specific use cases and the dangers of using calcium chloride desiccant solutions in enclosed spaces.


Using desiccant solutions can be effective for moisture control, but it’s crucial to choose the right product. Safety and environmental sustainability should always be a priority. Here are some tips to help you use Micro-Pak products safely:

  1. Proper Handling: Micro-Pak products are designed to be safe and easy to handle, reducing the risk of irritation.

  2. Ventilation: Ensure that the area where you’re using desiccants is well-ventilated. This reduces the risk of any potential issues.

  3. Regular Inspection: Check for any issues regularly to ensure optimal performance.

  4. Storage: Store Micro-Pak products in a cool, dry place.

By following these precautions, you can safely manage moisture with Micro-Pak products.

Alternative Solutions

If you’re looking for effective moisture control solutions, consider Micro-Pak’s range of products. They are designed to be safe, effective, and environmentally friendly.

Micro-Pak Distribution USA

At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we offer a range of advanced moisture control solutions. Our products, such as Micro-Pak® Stickers and Micro-Pak® Sheets, provide a combination of anti-mold and anti-moisture protection.

For more information and to explore our products, check out our website.

By choosing the right desiccant solution and following safety guidelines, you can protect your belongings and ensure a healthier environment.