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Understanding Anti-Mold Chips and Their Importance

If you’ve heard of anti-mold chips, you might be curious about how these small devices can make a big difference in mold prevention. Anti-mold chips, such as those provided by Micro-Pak Distribution USA, offer an effective solution to protect your products from mold and mildew during storage and transportation.

In a nutshell, here’s why anti-mold chips are essential:

  • Purpose: Prevent mold growth on goods.
  • Application: Ideal for containers, packaging, and storage spaces.
  • Safety: Non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • Effectiveness: Long-lasting protection for up to one year.

When it comes to safeguarding your products, mold prevention is crucial. Mold thrives in damp, warm environments, which are common during shipping and storage. With the innovative anti-mold chips from Micro-Pak Distribution USA, you can ensure your items remain mold-free, fresh, and odorless.

Mold Prevention Infographic - anti mold chip infographic pillar-3-steps

What Are Anti-Mold Chips?

How Do Anti-Mold Chips Work?

Anti-mold chips are small, powerful tools designed to protect your products from mold growth. They work by creating an anti-microbial atmosphere within enclosed spaces like containers, packaging, and storage areas.

Here’s how they do it:

  1. Anti-Mold Factors: These chips are made with high-performance anti-mold agents. These agents are the key to stopping mold in its tracks. They can penetrate the cell walls of mold spores, disrupting their growth from the inside out.

  2. Biochemistry: The science behind these chips involves cutting-edge biochemistry. The active ingredients are designed to target and destroy mold spores at a molecular level, ensuring that mold doesn’t stand a chance.

  3. Mold Growth Suppression: These chips don’t just kill existing mold; they also prevent new mold from forming. By maintaining a humidity-based activation system, the chips release mold inhibitors as soon as the humidity levels rise, which is typically when mold starts to grow.

  4. Anti-Microbial Atmosphere: Once activated, the chips create an environment that is hostile to mold. This anti-microbial atmosphere ensures that mold spores cannot survive or multiply.

  5. Humidity-Based Activation: One of the most innovative features of anti-mold chips is their ability to activate based on humidity. When the air becomes humid, the chips release their anti-mold agents, providing timely protection exactly when it’s needed.

  6. Mold Inhibitors: The agents used in these chips are safe and non-toxic. For example, the M-BUSTER® anti-mold chips use mustard oil, a food-grade mold inhibitor. This ensures that the products are protected without any harmful side effects.

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In summary, anti-mold chips are a simple yet effective solution for preventing mold. They combine advanced biochemistry with practical application, ensuring that your products remain mold-free, fresh, and ready for use.

Benefits of Using Anti-Mold Chips

Environmental Impact

Anti-mold chips are designed with the environment in mind. Unlike conventional methods like silica gel or oxygen absorbers, these chips are made from eco-friendly and biodegradable materials. For instance, the OK anti mold ecochip is crafted from environmental-friendly paper, ensuring no pollution or negative effects on the environment.

Moreover, products like the M-BUSTER® anti-mold chips are DMF-free and comply with stringent environmental standards such as BPR/EU, REACH, and EPA. These chips not only prevent mold but also align with global “green” initiatives, making them a sustainable choice for businesses.

Safety and Compliance

Safety is a top priority when it comes to anti-mold chips. These chips are non-toxic and safe for both consumers and workers. The M-BUSTER® anti-mold chips, for example, use edible mustard oil, a food-grade mold prevention agent, which complies with USA FDA regulation 21CFR175.300 and EU directive 2005/79/EC. This means they are safe enough to be used around food products.

Additionally, these chips meet various regulatory standards. The OK anti mold ecochip has passed extensive testing, including the ITS 360 days test with no mold growth, ensuring it is effective and reliable. It also boasts patents in Taiwan, the United States, and China, highlighting its innovative and compliant design.

By choosing anti-mold chips, businesses can ensure their products remain odor-free and non-toxic, providing peace of mind to both manufacturers and consumers. These chips not only protect against mold but also contribute to a safer and more sustainable environment.

How to Use Anti-Mold Chips

Step-by-Step Guide

Using anti-mold chips is straightforward and effective. Follow these simple steps to ensure your products stay mold-free during storage and shipment.

  1. Open the Package: Carefully open the foil package containing the anti-mold chips. This step is crucial because the chips begin to release their anti-mold factors once exposed to air.

  2. Place in Container: Evenly distribute the anti-mold chips inside the container. For a 20-foot container, use 20 pieces. For a 40-foot container, use 40 pieces. This ensures the anti-microbial atmosphere is evenly spread throughout the confined space.

  3. Seal Immediately: After placing the chips, seal the container as soon as possible. This helps maintain the effectiveness of the anti-mold factors by preventing them from dissipating too quickly.

Best Practices

To get the best results from your anti-mold chips, follow these best practices:

  1. Store Properly: Keep any unused chips in their original foil package. Seal the package tightly with OPP packaging tape to maintain the chips’ potency.

  2. Use as Soon as Possible: Once you open the package, use the chips immediately for the best effectiveness. Delays can reduce their mold-inhibiting capabilities.

  3. Avoid Reopening: Try not to reopen the sealed container or packaging before shipment. Each time you open it, you risk reducing the anti-mold factors‘ effectiveness.

By following these steps and best practices, you can ensure your products remain fresh, clean, and mold-free.

Top Anti-Mold Chip Products

OK Anti Mold Ecochip

The OK Anti Mold Ecochip is a high-performance solution for mold prevention. This chip combines advanced biochemistry with a unique patented design to deliver dual-action anti-mold effects. It is effective and durable, preserving products for 3-6 months during shipment and storage.

Some key features include:

  • High Performance: The ecochip releases potent anti-mold factors that evenly distribute in a contained space. Within the first day, 100% of these factors are released, ensuring immediate protection.

  • Patented Design: The ecochip has a unique structure that enhances its effectiveness and longevity.

  • UV Printing: Made with high-quality materials, the ecochip uses UV printing that does not stain your merchandise.

  • Environmental Friendly: Constructed from eco-friendly paper materials, it is safe for the environment and does not cause pollution.

The OK Anti Mold Ecochip has been recognized with several awards, including the gold medal in the 2012 Taiwan Yushan Award, and it holds patents in Taiwan, the United States, and China. It has passed rigorous testing, including the ITS 360 days test, showing no mold growth.

M-BUSTER® Anti-Mold Chips

Next up, the M-BUSTER® Anti-Mold Chips are made from a food additive—edible mustard oil. These chips are designed to volatilize and surround protected objects in their package, inhibiting or eradicating mold growth.

Key features of M-BUSTER® include:

  • Mustard Oil: The active ingredient is a food-grade mold prevention agent compliant with USA FDA regulation 21CFR175.300 and EU directive 2005/79/EC.

  • Lab-Tested: Proven to eradicate various mold types, including Aspergillus niger and Penicillium pinophilum, and bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

  • Environmentally Friendly: Complies with BPR/EU, REACH, and EPA standards. It is DMF-free and has test reports from internationally recognized laboratories like SGS and Intertek.

M-BUSTER® chips offer enhanced mold prevention effectiveness by eradicating mold spores and prolonging the release of the anti-mold agent. They are easy to use and ideal for protecting leather goods, textiles, wood, and electronic products.

Xinmai Wick Anti Mold Chip

The Xinmai Wick Anti Mold Chip utilizes herbal ingredients for a natural and long-lasting mold prevention solution. These chips are versatile and can be used in various applications, from garments to industrial products.

Key features include:

  • Herbal Ingredients: Made from natural components, making them safe and eco-friendly.

  • Long-Lasting: Provides extended protection, ensuring that products remain mold-free for several months.

  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for a wide range of industries, including shoes, garments, and bags.

The Xinmai Wick Anti Mold Chip is an excellent option for those looking for a natural and effective mold prevention solution. Its herbal formula makes it a safe choice for both consumers and the environment.

By choosing the right anti-mold chip for your needs, you can ensure your products remain fresh, clean, and mold-free during storage and shipment.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anti-Mold Chips

Do Anti-Mold Chips Work?

Yes, anti-mold chips are highly effective. They work by releasing anti-microbial agents that create an environment hostile to mold growth. These agents penetrate the cell walls and membranes of mold spores, destroying them before they can germinate. This process ensures that products remain mold-free, even in humid conditions.

How Long Do Anti-Mold Chips Last?

Anti-mold chips can last between 3 to 6 months, depending on storage conditions. For optimal effectiveness, store them in a dry, cool place and use them as soon as possible after opening the package. Properly sealed containers will maximize the duration of mold prevention.

What Are Anti-Mold Stickers?

Anti-mold stickers are similar to chips but are designed for smaller, enclosed spaces like shoeboxes. They activate with humidity, releasing anti-microbial agents that fill the space and inhibit mold growth. These stickers are easy to use, non-toxic, and leave no residue or odor.


At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we’re committed to ensuring that your products remain in optimal condition from the factory to the retail shelf. Our anti-mold chips are a key part of this mission, providing an effective and eco-friendly solution to mold prevention.

Mold prevention is crucial for maintaining the quality and longevity of your goods. Whether you’re shipping leather goods, textiles, or electronic products, our anti-mold chips ensure they arrive fresh, clean, and odor-free.

mold prevention - anti mold chip

Our products are designed with the highest standards of safety and compliance. The M-BUSTER® anti-mold chips, for example, are made from food-grade mustard oil and have passed rigorous testing by internationally recognized laboratories like SGS and Intertek. This ensures that our anti-mold solutions are both effective and safe for consumers and workers.

By choosing Micro-Pak Distribution USA, you’re not only protecting your products but also contributing to a greener planet. Our anti-mold chips are environmentally friendly, meeting global “Green” requirements and complying with stringent regulations like BPR/EU and REACH.

For more information on how our anti-mold chips can benefit your business, visit our Micro-Pak Stickers page.

In summary, with Micro-Pak Distribution USA, you can be confident that your products will reach their destination in the best possible condition, free from the harmful effects of mold.