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Absorpole is an efficient solution for moisture control in shipping containers. If you’re concerned about protecting your products from moisture damage during transit, Absorpole offers:

  • High absorption capacity
  • Easy installation
  • Environmental friendliness

When transporting goods, moisture can be a big problem. Changes in temperature cause condensation inside containers, leading to conditions known as “container rain” or “container sweat.” This can damage a variety of products, from food to electronics and textiles.

Absorpole is designed to absorb moisture and prevent these issues. Made with calcium chloride, it has a high absorption rate and operates well in a wide range of temperatures. Whether you are shipping machinery, clothing, or any other goods, Absorpole ensures that your cargo remains dry and safe.

Absorpole Moisture Absorption Process - absorpole infographic infographic-line-3-steps

The Science Behind Absorpole

Absorpole uses calcium chloride as its main absorbing agent, which is incredibly effective at controlling moisture. Calcium chloride is known for its high absorption capacity and stability across a wide range of temperatures. This makes it perfect for use in shipping containers, where conditions can vary dramatically.

How It Works

The calcium chloride in Absorpole has a purity of 77%, ensuring maximum efficiency in moisture absorption. When exposed to humid air, the calcium chloride gradually dissolves into a brine. This brine is then trapped in a plastic collector, ensuring no re-evaporation of the absorbed moisture. This process prevents the formation of “container rain” or “container sweat,” which can damage your cargo.

calcium chloride absorption process - absorpole

Brine Collection System

One of the key features of Absorpole is its brine collection system. As calcium chloride absorbs moisture, it turns into a liquid brine. This brine is securely contained within the plastic collector, ensuring that it doesn’t leak or spill. This robust design means that Absorpole can continue to absorb moisture effectively throughout the entire journey, providing long-lasting protection for your cargo.

High Purity for High Performance

The 77% purity of calcium chloride used in Absorpole is a critical factor in its high performance. Lower purity levels would reduce its effectiveness, making it less reliable in preventing moisture damage. By maintaining a high purity level, Absorpole ensures that it can absorb large amounts of moisture quickly and efficiently, even under extreme conditions.

Absorpole‘s innovative use of calcium chloride and its effective brine collection system make it a superior choice for moisture control in shipping containers. This ensures that your cargo remains dry, safe, and free from damage caused by moisture.

Next, let’s explore why Absorpole is the ideal solution for your shipping needs.

Why Choose Absorpole for Your Shipping Needs?

Absorpole stands out in the market for several compelling reasons. Let’s dive into what makes it the ideal choice for moisture control in shipping containers.


One of the most significant advantages of Absorpole is that it’s CO2-neutral. This means that the carbon emissions produced during its manufacturing are offset, making it an environmentally friendly option. In a world increasingly concerned with climate change, using CO2-neutral products can make a big difference.

Made with Recycled Plastic

Absorpole is made from 100% recycled plastic. This not only helps in reducing waste but also conserves resources. By choosing Absorpole, you’re opting for a product that aligns with sustainable practices.

Low CO2 Footprint

Even before offsetting, Absorpole boasts a low CO2 footprint. The materials used, including calcium chloride, are selected for their minimal environmental impact. This makes Absorpole a great choice for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

R-to-R Program

The R-to-R (Recycle-to-Reuse) program is another reason to choose Absorpole. This program ensures that the desiccants can be easily recycled and reused. It’s a closed-loop system that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency.

Robust Design

Absorpole is designed to be strong and durable. Its robust construction ensures that it can withstand the rigors of transportation. This means your cargo remains protected throughout its journey, regardless of the conditions.

Choosing Absorpole not only ensures effective moisture control but also supports sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Next, let’s look at how easy it is to install and use Absorpole in your shipping containers.

Installation and Usage of Absorpole

Absorpole is designed for easy installation and efficient use in shipping containers. Here’s how you can make the most of this innovative moisture control solution:

Vertically Installed

Absorpole is installed vertically in one of the container’s lashing rings. This placement ensures that it occupies minimal space, allowing you to maximize the use of your container for cargo. The vertical installation also helps in efficient moisture absorption, as the desiccant can cover a larger surface area.

Minimal Space Occupation

One of the standout features of Absorpole is its compact design. Despite its high absorption capacity, it takes up very little space in the container. This means you won’t have to sacrifice valuable cargo space to keep your goods dry and safe.

Easy to Recycle

Absorpole is made from 100% recycled plastic, making it not only effective but also environmentally friendly. Once it has done its job, it’s easy to recycle through the R-to-R program. This program ensures that the used desiccants are collected, recycled, and reused, creating a sustainable cycle that minimizes waste.

By choosing Absorpole, you are opting for a solution that is easy to install, space-efficient, and environmentally responsible. Next, we’ll compare Absorpole with other moisture control solutions to see how it stacks up.

Comparing Absorpole with Other Moisture Control Solutions

Absorpole vs. Silica Gel

When it comes to moisture control, both Absorpole and silica gel are popular choices. However, Absorpole offers several advantages over silica gel:

  • Absorption Capacity: Absorpole can absorb up to 1.2 kilograms of moisture, whereas silica gel typically absorbs around 30-40% of its weight. This means fewer units of Absorpole are needed to achieve the same level of moisture control.

  • No Re-Evaporation: Unlike silica gel, which can release absorbed moisture back into the environment if conditions change, Absorpole’s calcium chloride turns into a brine solution that stays contained, ensuring no re-evaporation.

Environmental Impact

Absorpole stands out for its environmental benefits:

  • CO2-Neutral: Absorpole is the first carbon-neutral container desiccant on the market, made with low CO2-footprint materials. This is a significant advantage over silica gel, which typically has a higher environmental impact.

  • Recycled Materials: Absorpole features 100% recycled plastic, contributing to a sustainable product lifecycle. The R-to-R program further ensures that used desiccants are collected and recycled, minimizing waste.


While the upfront cost of Absorpole might be higher than silica gel, it proves to be more cost-effective in the long run:

  • High Capacity: Because Absorpole absorbs more moisture, fewer units are needed, reducing overall costs for large shipments.

  • Durability: Absorpole is designed to last longer, protecting cargo throughout its journey and reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Absorption Capacity

Absorpole’s absorption capacity is one of its standout features:

  • High Efficiency: With the ability to absorb up to 1.2 kilograms of moisture per unit, Absorpole is highly efficient. This high capacity means better protection for your cargo, even in extreme conditions.

  • Wide Temperature Range: Absorpole works effectively in a temperature range from -20°C to +80°C, making it suitable for various climates and shipping conditions.

By choosing Absorpole over other moisture control solutions, you benefit from superior absorption capacity, cost-effectiveness, and a reduced environmental footprint. Next, let’s explore the real-world applications of Absorpole to see how it performs in different scenarios.

Real-World Applications of Absorpole

Absorpole isn’t just a theoretical solution; it has proven its worth in various real-world applications. Let’s dive into how it excels in different scenarios:

Shipping Containers

Shipping containers are prone to “container rain” due to temperature fluctuations during transit. This can lead to condensation, causing moisture damage to goods. Absorpole effectively absorbs this moisture, preventing mold, corrosion, and other types of damage. According to industry data, about 10% of products in containers get rejected because of moisture damage. By using Absorpole, you can significantly reduce this risk and ensure your cargo arrives in perfect condition.

Mobile Homes

Moisture control in mobile homes is crucial to avoid dampness, mold, and bad odors. Absorpole is designed to fit neatly in small spaces like alcoves, lockers, or wardrobes. Its high absorbance means fewer units are required, making it a cost-effective solution. The pole is easy to hang and remove, ensuring long-lasting effectiveness and preventing health issues related to mold and fungal growth.

Leisure Boats

Boats are constantly exposed to moisture, whether they are in use or docked. This can lead to dampness, mold, and unpleasant odors. Absorpole is an ideal solution for leisure boats. It is easy to install and remove, fits in tight spaces, and is made from non-toxic, recyclable materials. This ensures a dry and pleasant environment inside the boat, enhancing your boating experience.

Preventing Mold and Eliminating Bad Odour

Mold and bad odors are common problems in any moisture-prone environment. Absorpole addresses these issues by absorbing moisture before it can lead to mold growth. This not only protects your goods but also ensures a healthier environment. The product’s long-lasting effectiveness means you won’t have to worry about re-evaporation of absorbed moisture, providing continuous protection.

In summary, Absorpole is a versatile and efficient solution for moisture control in various applications. Whether you’re dealing with shipping containers, mobile homes, or leisure boats, Absorpole offers reliable protection against moisture damage, mold, and bad odors.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about Absorpole to help you get the most out of this innovative product.

Frequently Asked Questions about Absorpole

How does Absorpole work?

Absorpole works by leveraging the high absorbance capacity of calcium chloride. When activated, the calcium chloride in the pole starts absorbing moisture from the air. This moisture turns into brine, which is then safely collected in a built-in collector. The absorbed moisture will not re-evaporate, ensuring consistent protection throughout the container’s journey.

Can Absorpole be used for any type of cargo?

Yes, Absorpole is versatile and can be used for a wide range of cargo types. It is suitable for:

  • Agricultural products
  • Textiles and leather
  • Wood and paper products
  • Plastics, glass, and metals
  • Electronics and machinery
  • Automotive parts
  • Canned goods

Its design and non-toxic materials make it safe for use with food products as well.

How to properly install Absorpole in a container?

Installing Absorpole is straightforward:

  1. Remove from Packaging: Take the Absorpole out of its container.
  2. Activate: Activation occurs automatically once the Absorpole is exposed to air.
  3. Positioning: Hang the Absorpole in the corrugated recess of the container’s side panels. This design minimizes the risk of damage during loading and unloading.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Absorpole Installation & Disposal Guide.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your cargo remains protected from moisture damage throughout its journey.


At Micro-Pak Distribution USA, we understand the critical need for effective moisture control in shipping containers. Absorpole stands out as a reliable solution that ensures your cargo arrives in optimal condition, free from moisture-related damage like mold, mildew, and corrosion.

Micro-Pak Distribution USA has been a leader in providing innovative and sustainable moisture control solutions. Our commitment to quality and environmental responsibility sets us apart. We use Absorpole because it is CO2-neutral, made from recycled materials, and offers a robust design that effectively absorbs moisture while occupying minimal space.

By choosing Absorpole, you are not just investing in a product; you are investing in the quality and safety of your cargo. Whether you are shipping machinery, clothing, or food products, Absorpole ensures that your goods are protected from the unpredictable effects of moisture during transit.

For more information on how Absorpole can benefit your shipping needs, visit our Micro-Pak Container Desiccants page. Let us help you ensure that your products reach their destination in the best possible condition.